1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 August Voice RS | Page 74

YOU CAN ALMOST SMELL _THE ROSES’! *.u wn « *** v'V'- 1 -Vi That’s right! When you read our coverage of the Celebration you can almost "smell the roses” as you find yourself on the rail in the midst of the great Walking Horses as they thunder down the straightway in the run­ ning walk. You can feel the tension and excitement as the vast crowd awaits the decision of the judges and you can share in the happinesses and disappointments of the big show as we bring you day by day cover­ age of the events that took place and the horses and people that made them happen. It’s all there for you to read over and over again in the VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse national magazine, the only publication devoted exclusively to YOUR breed. From month to month, the VOICE brings you national coverage of the activities in the Walking Horse world. The VOICE carries you to little shows and big shows. We carry you on trail rides across the Great Divide and on Wagon Trains with Walking Horses leading the way. Join the more than 6,000 Walking Horse enthusiasts who receive the VOICE each month. ADDRESS................................................. SUBSCRIBE TOBAY... CITY.................... »........................ STATE. : 1 YEAR.................... $ 6.00 NAME........................................................ ZIP CODE................................ 2 YEARS.................. 1100 3 YEARS.................. 15,00 □ ENCLOSED FIND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER. 50t Handling Charge □ PLEASE BILL AS FOLLOWS............... If Billed.