1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 April Voice RS | Page 9
See your veterinarian
about his
"Managed Health Program"
How to prevent
these 6 major disease
problems: VACCINATE
INFLUENZA FLUVAC® Two doses 6-12 weeks
apart. One dose yearly
booster. Only flu vaccine of proven efficacy
and potency. Protects against both
equine virus strains.
Tv/o doses 7-10 days
apart. Repeat each year. Virtually no reaction—no inter
ference with training, shows,
races. Protects against Eastern
and Western types.
Two doses 4-8 weeks
apart. One dose yearly
booster. Highly purified by patented pro
cess. Virtually no allergic or side
Three doses 7 days apart.
One dose yearly booster. Only specific vaccine for Strangles.
Highly effective in preventing
PNEUM ABORT® In controlled breeding
program. First dose in
July. Second dose in Oct.
Repeat annually. Hamster-adapted, desiccated live
virus. Designed especially for
breeding farms or horses in
MIXED INFECTIONS EQUIBAC® (Non-specific) Breeding problems, mas
titis, navel ill, joint and other infections—
diarrhea—pneumonia or shipping fever. Mixed
Bacterin Two doses 7-10 days
apart. Repeat yearly. Produced by exclusive "biotized"
process. Proven aid in protecting
against Staph., Strep., E. coli,
pasteurella infections.
(Flu or 2-year-old cough) Highly con
tagious. May strike horses of all ages,
suddenly, in any season.
(Sleeping sickness) Outbreaks in some
area every year. Affects horses of all ages. Vaccine
(Lockjaw) May be caused by any contam
inated v/ound or skin puncture. TOXOID
(Distemper) Often occurs in horses as
sembled in groups—shows, races, sales.
(Contagious abortion) Acute and highly
contagious disease. May cause colds in
young, abortion in mares. Widespread.
Which of these 6 vaccinations do your horses
need? Ask your veterinarian. Only he knows the
conditions in your community. Only he is fully
“MHP Health
Record and
Valuable. Useful. Ask your veterinarian for your
free copy. Ask about the "Managed Health Pro
gram," too. MHP assures you the full power of
modern science—to head off health problems
keep your horses at peak performance.
qualified to diagnose your specific require-
ments. And only he—no one else—can pro
vide these 6 modern scientific vaccines.
Don’t take chances on disease—especially preventable disease.
Your veterinarian can recommend a complete vaccination program
for your special needs—to provide maximum protection.
Several vaccines may be administered at one time—under the
"Managed Health Program"—to make preventive
care more economical.
Only your veterinarian gives you full choice of all that
veterinary medical science and animal science has to offer—
to protect the health of your horse. Be sure to take full
advantage of it. Ask your veterinarian about the "MHP”
... to keep your horses brimming with vibrant health.
Fort Dodge Laboratories, Fort Dodge, Iowa