1967-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1967 April Voice RS | Page 34
Jean S. (Mrs. Leo)Baum
Box 250
Ixonia, Wisconsin 53036
Winter is falling away fast in Wisconsin, and March
seemed an appropriate time for the Wisconsin Walking
Horse Association to hold a clinic. This clinic was planned
months in advance, and was held at the Tolberts’ Glen
garry Stable in Waukesha, Wisconsin on March 11th.
Edward McCoy was in charge, ably assisted by an ex
cellent committee consisting of Larry Pickard, Bill Kiehl,
Marvin Shields and many others.
Over 80 people turned out to watch the demonstra
tion, first the handling of a yearling, and the training of
a 2-year old, demonstrated by Marvin Shields, trainer at
Lo-C Stables of Hebron, Illinois, on horses owned by
Gene Losee. Next was a parade of a stallion, SPECIAL’S
BIG MAN owned by James Tolbert, several broodmares,
and weanling and yearling get of this sire.
Then came the demonstration of the gaits of a junior
horse and how an aged horse works, demonstrated by Ed
McCov. These two horses, SHADOW’S STAR and MID
NIGHT QUEEN BEE, are owned by the Tolberts.
Glengarry Stables is a gorgeous new bam, with an in
door arena 90 x 270, a large heated lounge for watching,
and 40 stalls on each side of the arena.
The group next adjourned to the Avalon Hotel for a
delicious meal, with Margaret and Jim Tolbert as hosts.
Leo Baum, President of WWHA, led by a business meeting
after dinner, followed by questions and answers on the
Next it was back to the bam, where a band was wait
ing, and dancing in the large lounge.
Many of our loyal members came from afar for this
ern Wisconsin, many from northern Illinois, and George
interesting and enlightening event from far up in Northern
McGilvra, formerly a trainer at Glengarry, and now train
ing for B. J. Hecker, came all the way from Missouri.
WWHA continues to grow, evidence of the growth
of the Walking Horse in this area. New members are
joining every month.
Two new directors were appointed to fill unexpired
terms, Larry Pickard of Brookfield, Wis. and Joe Surinak
of New Berlin. Joe has been and still is the capable
membership chairman of this active group.
The next meeting will be held the 2nd Friday in May,
preceding by a week, the first show of the Wisconsin
Circuit. This is the Madison show. May 18, 19, 20, and
21st, and will have four walking horse classes.
Webb is pictured giving last minute instructions to “Ol Blue”
as they prepare for the 1967 session of Camp Miles Sylvania,
now known as the Joe Webb Riding Camp. This trick horse
has passed on to Horse Heaven since this picture was made
but it serves to prove to what great lengths that Joe and Nell
Webb and their family, have gone to to make this camp a
worthwhile project.
$ 6.00
1 Year...
2 Years.
3 Years.
Morgan County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse
Horse Show
Hartselle, Alabama
13 Afternoon Classes — 1:00 P.M.
14 Evening Classes----- 7:00 P.M.
Walking Judge .
Gaited Judge ...
Western Judge .
Ring Master.....
Steward ............
Organist ..........
Veterinarian .....
Photographer ...
Show Chairman
Show Officials
.......................... Toby Green
.......... Temple Stephenson
........................ Jimmy King
......................... Emmett Guy
....................... Sam Gibbons
.............................. Bill Tune
......................... Hiram Carr
............... Cole Young, DVM
........ ............. Fram Burnum
................... Johnson Studio
.............. J. Howard Proctor
P. O. Box 1802
Decatur, Ala. 35601
Area Code 205 - 355-5062
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse