Judy and Joe are working two two-year-olds for Jack Rucker , Columbus , Georgia . One is a stallion by MERRY GO BOY whose dam is a full sister to SETTING SUN , and the other is a filly by MERRY GO BOY . Dr . Harold Mclver has three horses in training , one three year old black roan stallion by STATELY GO BOY , who is an exceptionally good horse , with three true gaits . HEAVEN BOUND is Dr . Mclver ’ s aged stallion and he has a three year old gelding by GO BOY ’ S SPECIAL out of STATELY GAY LADY in training with Judy and Joe .
Mr . Hulon Lunsford of Union , Kentucky has a real good aged black GO BOY stallion working out of this up and coming stable . They are also working an EBONY three-year-old for Sonia Wiser . For John Smith , of Florence , Kentucky , Judy and Joe have a three-year-old stallion by SUN DUST and a Walking Pony for Richard Barrington .
In all they are working 24 horses , including a futurity colt by GOLD SHADOW owned by Mr . Walter Jenvey , Holt , Michigan , which they will be showing this year .
Judy and Joe issue a warm imitation for any visitors to their new location . They will show some exceptionally good stock including three , mares they have for sale . We hear many requests for show mares these day , so it may be worth your while to go by the Patent Leather Farm in Wartrace and see the Martins .
Donald Paschal Stables
Larry Lowman had a chance to stop by the Donald Paschal Stables just recently on a “ Barnstorming ” trip and he was kind enough to let us hear about the activity at this top Tennessee Walking Horse training stable .
GO BOY ’ S ROOSTER is a top two year old stud being worked at the barn . He is owned by Captain E . A . Self and is a full brother to GO BOVS BLACK JACK . Candace Williams owns an aged mare that is doing real well . SHADOW ’ S FLICK A is an aged amateur mare owned by D ’ Lecse Williamson that is working real well at
the present time .
Mr . Charles Bonnicie of San Jose , California has a top three year old stud in training at the stable . BAD LUCK CHARLIE is another good two year old owned by C . Ray Carter of Lynchburg , Virginia .
Carlton Pitts is aiming for the World ’ s Grand Championship with GO BOY ’ S BLACK JACK . The horse is working real well and everyone in this section thanks he is that No . 1 horse . Carlton and BLACK JACK could make it this year , and they have just that in mind .
Forrest View Farms
Right in the midst of those beautiful rolling hills of Kentucky stands a big white house and the stables of the Forrest View Farm owned by Forrest and Grace Margraves . With the help of Vernon Mullins the Margraves have some good stock at home , plus several horses
in training with various professional trainers . They have about 24 head on their farm , including 3 brood mares , many good yearlings and several show horses . The stock away from home includes a brood mare : GO BOY ’ S HONEY BEE , a six year old mare in training with Buddy Hugh ; a SPIRIT OF MIDNIGHT three year old stallion with Buddy ; a four vear old stallion bv MAJOR WIL SON , B . MAJOR ’ S BOOMERRANG with Mose Oppcnheimer in Lawton . Kentucky and a new HANDSHAKER filly that the Margraves recently purchased from Dickie Pate that Doug Wolaver will be showing in two year old
classes this year . Her name , SHAKER ’ S LADY . As Mr . Margraves pulls yearling after yearling out for
one to see , it looks like Celebration class . Their pride and joy seems to be SUN ’ S PROMANADER F by MID
NIGHT SUN out of a MERRY BOY mare . Black seems tn he the favorite color . Among the other black ones is a SUN ’ S DELIGHT colt out of a MIDNIGHT SUN mare called DELIGHTS PRIDE ; a SUN ’ S DELIGHT filly out of a MIDNIGHT SUN marc , DELIGHT ’ S PROM ISE- and a filly by MIDNIGHT SUN out of a GO BOY mare , 1 SUN ’ S HIGH ACE , with a silver mane and tail .
SUN ’ S JUNE BRIDE is a sorrel MIDNIGHT SUN filly out * of an old MERRY BOY7 mare and another good one
is a bay MIDNIGHT SUN colt . Two of the horses that Mr . Margraves is working at present is the bay amateur horse MOONLIGHT SEN SATION , that their daughter Betty won the Kentucky Walking Horse Amateur Open Championship with last year . He has a way above average two year old , GLAM OUR BOY , a black stallion that ’ s a full brother to SUN ’ S
The hospitality of Grace and Forrest Margraves , plus their beautiful farm and good stock is well worth a visit when you ’ re around Union , Kentucky .
Wink Groover Stables
We can always count on a lot of activity at the Wink Groover Stables in Etowah , Tennessee , and his early season activity certainly didn ’ t let us down . In our opinion , Wink has the best group of horses that he has had in years . Horse for horse , he should have a very well balanced iine-up of stock for almost every class .
With over thirty horses in training it is rather hard to select those to write about . We can only elaborate on those that we recently saw work . Heading the list is a horse that has been called “ the best Wink has ever ridden .” His name is SENSATIONAL SHADOW and he is a four year old black stallion owned by Roy and Bonnie Davis of Calhoun and Rome , Georgia . This horse won the stake class at Gainesville , Florida , and all who saw him state that he is really stake horse material . Fie won the Southern Championship three year old class with him , serving warning to all Junior aspirants that they better be just a little bit better than they were last year .
Another horse commanding a lot of attention is ACE ’ S SENSATION , a black three year old stallion owned by Groover and Black . Wink is awfully pleased with this horses performance and feels that he also is one of the best around in his class this year . GOLDFINGER , the 1965 World Champion two year old , and “ hard luck ”
horse of the Celebration last year , is coming along very well for owner Dewey Arnold . The popular golden sorrel
is still a stern contender in any class he enters so don ’ t make him off as a “ come-back ” winner in Junior classes this year .
Also coming on strong as a three year old is ELDOR ADO ’ S ECLIPSE , a fine black stallion that Wink showed consistantly last year as a two year old . He has taken his canter very well and is considered much improved over last year . ECLIPSE is owned by Mr . and Mrs . Dan Clippinger Sr ., of Chattanooga , and they have a right to be proud of their horse . Watch for him !
In the mare class , Wink has two top contenders . SUN DUST GAL , a big bold going chestnut mare is coming on strong and owner Camille Whittle will be showing her in Amateur and Juvenile Classes . Camille is an excellent horsewoman and should make a lot of people sit up and take notice with her mare . Creating a lot of talk at Wink s barn is a big , beautiful , black mare named SHADOW ’ S WIND SONG , owned by Mrs . L . O . Ledford of Rossville , Georgia . This mare is a five year old and is responding very well to Winks techniques of training . She could be one of the top mares around by mid-season .
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse