GOLDEN GLAMOUR GIRL is twenty six years old now . She is a sorrel with flax mane and tail , two hind stockings and a strip . According to Mrs . Dale McCowen , she is showing her years but on a cold frosty morning can still “ saddle ” with the best of them . The production record of “ Goldie ” is not known , however in her years , she has probably produced some fine colts .
Horses have a way of getting next to their owners , but few people have the affection for a horse as the McCowens have for their “ Goldie .” Mr . and Mrs . McCowen and their two children , Kelly , age four and Craig , age six , live on a twelve acre farm with a magnificent view of the Blue Ridge mountains . They are now active in almost every phase of Walking Horse activity and have made the Celebration a regular part of their years activity . They now have a three year old grandson of MERRY GO BOY
that they purchased from Mr . C . C . Turner . He is in training with Bill Sloat of Lurav , Virginia , and is showing a lot of promise . They love “ Goldie ” and the Walking Horse business and intend to care for her so that she can be around a few more years .
GOLDEN GLAMOUR MAID . . . a gift horse that was not looked in the mouth !
Walking Mare with a History Creates Interest for Bill McCowen Family
When a friend told Mr . and Mrs . William A . Mc- Cowen of Lexington , Virginia , that he knew of a man who wanted to give an old mare away , they didn ’ t dream that it was a registered Tennessee Walking Horse . Neither did they dream that this old mare would stimulate their interest to the point of becoming avid Walking Horse
“ Goldie ” . . . registered as GOLDEN GLAMOUR GIRL — 440446 , was a gift from Mr . Frank Lakey of Lexington , with the provision that she was to be given a good home . This was on July 26 , 1964 and the Bill Mc Cowen family was thoroughly pleased . Their excitement was doubled when they discovered she was registered and that she had “ really been around .” “ Goldie ” was bred and foaled in Pospect Station , Tennessee . As a colt her owner was Mr . James Widner , who later sold her to Mr . Homer Rodehaver , the famous gospel singer of years ago . She stayed for an undertermined number of years in Palataka , Florida , on Mr . Rodehavers ’ farm , before coming to Lynchburg .
At first glance GOLDEN GLAMOUR GIRL did not appear to have “ the best of pedigrees ,” however as we checked deeper we found that her sire , GIOVANNI ’ S NEW DEAL , had fine blood to offer in addition to his
namesake . He was out of PRUITT ’ S QUEEN who carried ALLEN F-l and STONEWALL JACKSON , JR .
blood . On the dam side we find PINTO , which immediately suggests some sort of Quarter Horse blood . Further
investigation , however , indicates that MAJOR ALLEN
was prominent on her sire side and NO CHANCE and RED BUCK were on her dam side . For real ancestry ,
going back almost one hundred years , this isn ’ t bad .
JUST LOOKING — Bill and Dale McCowen arc pictured at the Harlinsdale Farm Sale last year during ; the week of the Celebration . According to Bill , who is an optometrist , they just came to look and enjoyed it very much .
FRIENDS —“ Goldie ” and Kelly make a pretty picture with the Blue Ridge mountains in the background .