EDITOR ’ S NOTE : Our dear friend and founder of the VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse Magazine , Ben A . Green has asked us to print this open letter to Mr . Robert A . Johnson of Portland , Oregon . We certain appreciate Mr . Green ’ s complimentary remarks and assure him we will continue to strive to improve the VOICE for the betterment of the breed .
“ Mr . Robert A . Johnson , Portland , Oregon
Dear Mr . Johnson :
I have read an excerpt from your letter published on Page 90 of the Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse Magazine of January date . You mention my name . The Voice now is far superior to any issue that my wife , Mary Frances , and I ever produced . Bruce Spencer and Gloria Spencer , and their splendid staff , have a far greater active interest and knowledge in the Walking Horse than we ever could
have .
They own horses , they love horses , they have capital with which to produce a superior magazine and they
do exactly that . Mary Frances and I had none of these things except a love for people . I have been a newspaperman for 45 years . I am 64 year old , a survivor of a traffic accident , a cancer operation that hospitalized me for 38
days , and formerly suffered from manic depressive trends that made my moods go up and down like a window shade .
We did the best we could to get something started like the Voice . We succeeded in a measure , then found the best equipped young people in this world to make the Voice a great and permanent horse magazine . More power to them . Please accept this open letter in the way it is intended .
Cordially yours ,
BEN A . GREEN 1110 S . Brittain Street Shelbyville , Tenn .
Harold Kennedy says :
Harold Kennedy , Winner World Championship Reserve , Shelbyville , 1963 , 1964 Reserve Winner in Mare Class . Shelbyville , 1963 Blue Ribbon Winner from Oklahoma City to Houston , Texas on Southwest Circuit . From Houston to Greensboro , N . C . Tennessee Walking Horse Trainer for 21 Years . Nov / at Belleaire Stables , Calhoun , Ga .
" I started using Corona when I was at the Circle T Ranch out in Roanoke , Texas . It ' s the best antiseptic dressing and lubricant I ever found . The way it keeps horses from having quarter cracks , makes hair grow , and makes
callouses shed . " It ' s especially helpful to me , being a Tennessee Walking man . When I ' m shov / ing , I rub it on the horse ' s ankles before I put the boots on . That keeps the ankles from getting irritated . Keeps sores from coming up . And , if any of my horses get chain sores , I rub it in every night and bandage the ankles . In three to five days , the hair will start coming through and the callouses will shed . Corona really gets down in there and soothes . '' Another thing . When the coronary band gets dry and hard , it busts and leaves quarter cracks . If you ' ll apply Corona around the band ' s edge — only takes two or three minutes to work it in — you ' ll see that crack healing within 8 to 10 days . " Corona is good for harness sores , girth galls , rope burns , too . It ' s the best remedy for foundered horses — keeps the soles of their feet soft and flexible . And the race track people recommend it for hobble sores . " It ' s easy to see , I swear by Corona . Try it . You will , too ."
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Corona is available at tack shops , saddleries , drug stores . Or write direct for your free sample and new illustrated brochure containing information about care and treatment of horses : Corona Manufacturing Company P . O . Bex 1214 , Atlanta . Georgia 30301
April , 1967