by Miss Carlene Holt Stillwater , Minnesota
by Miss Carlene Holt Stillwater , Minnesota
The 1966 Tri-State winners were awarded at the annual awards dinner of the Tri-State Horsemen ’ s Association . In the amateur Walking Horse division the winner was SUNLIGHT SULTAN owned and shown by Miss Carlene Holt , Stillwater , Minnesota . Reserve award went to VELVET ’ S POWERHOUSE , owned and shown by Miss Gail Mohn , Minneapolis , Minnesota .
The winner in the open Walking Horse division was GLORY ’ S FIREBALL B owned by the Blue Gate Farm of Stillwater , Minnesota . Reserve honors were awarded to CHESTER ’ S WALKAWAY also owned by the Blue Gate Farm .
Here and There
Heard from Mrs . Vi Johnson of LaCrescent , Minnesota , that she ’ s the proud new owner of a sorrel weanling filly . This little Walker carries double old MERRY BOY breeding .
Mr . and Mrs . Richard Cool of Stillwater , Minnesota are among the many new faces in the “ Walking Horse
crowd .” They ’ ve purchased CHESTER ’ S WALKAWAY , a coal black gelding and also just recently bought a twoyear-old sorrel stud colt named GO BOY ’ S HIGH JINKS . The colt is in training out of state .
Jean Jasinsky ( Whitesell ) of Minneapolis has sold her fine black pleasure mare SCARLET SECRET and has a new “ baby !” Not so little this baby — a big , bold , black three-year-old colt named DAWN ’ S REBEL . He ’ s
in training at the Hawkeye Melody Farm in Grundy- Center , Iowa . By all reports — he ’ s going great ! Jean ’ s influence seems to have spread to her good friend Sharon Dunne who has purchased a full-sister to Jean ’ s colt — a real pretty black filly !
The Donald Swisher family of Stillwater seems to be getting the “ horse fever ” as far as Walking Horses arc concerned . They started last fall by purchasing MERRY
FLASPI-S ., a chestnut pleasure marc from Woodlane Farm . Mr . Swisher has been learning to ride this good
mare and enjoys every minute of it . Their newest purchase is a beautiful bay roan mare MERRY MISS G . from the Eyre Walking Horse Stable of Grundy Center , Iowa . This new mare has the most wonderful disposition — and best of all , she ’ s due to foal in May — another new addition to the Swisher ’ s herd ! Little Miss Molly Swisher is very busy already picking out names for the coming foal .
END O ’ LANE FARM — Cloquet , Minnesota
I ’ ve had some very interesting correspondence with Mr . and Mrs . John LaTour , owners of End O ’ Lane Farm , and also had an afternoon to visit with them not long ago . They report they have just started raising Walkers
and , to quote Mrs . LaTour “ we just love them .” They sent along some copies of the registration papers for their horses and they are certainly pedigrees to be proud of :
MERRY MAKER SUE — a sorrel mare , sired by a grandson of MERRY BOY and out of a GIOVANNI and MITCH F-5 bred mare .
JUPITER ’ S DEBUTANTE — a fine chestnut filly sired by a grandson of MIDNIGHT SUN and out of a marc by SHEPHERD OF THE HILLS by SIR MAU-
GRAY . GRAHAM ’ S MERRY MELODY — a sorrel mare carrying MERRY BOY and WILSON ’ S ALLEN on her papers .
We certainly wish the best of luck to the LaTour ’ s . With fine foundation stock such as these , they are surely off to an excellent start in raising Tennessee Walking Horses .
If all goes well , Mrs . LaTour intends to show the
beautiful chestnut Walker stallion SHINING JUPITER for owners Mr . and Mrs . Arnold Hanke of Duluth . Good
luck for the 1967 show season !
Woodlane Farm , Stillwater , Minnesota
Over the winter things have been sort of quiet around our place . Every nice weekend , however , we seem to have some out of town visitors . We certainly do appreciate
the 40 x 150 foot indoor area erected before the snow fell last fall . This has enabled us to keep riding all winter
Ṁr . Roger Luhning of Battle Lake , Minnesota spent an afternoon with us this past winter . He owns several Walking Horses carrying exceptionally fine registration papers . He enjoyed riding some of our horses including our stallion MACK K ’ S MAMBO . We also proudly showed him our black three-year-old filly MILADY MIDNIGHT who was started under saddle this winter . Mr . Luhning is certainly an interesting person to talk to .
He ’ s very enthusiastic about Walking Horses which he has been raising for about ten years . He also visited for a while at Blue Gate Farm . Please keep sending in your Walking Horse news and information for future articles .
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Meyers , Inc ., 340 West Main Street , Lexington , Kentucky 40507 , Telephone 606 - 252-7501
April , 1967 19