Sellers from seven states including Kentucky , Indiana , West Virginia , Tennessee , Virginia , New York and Ohio were present .
The highest price was brought by ALLEN ’ S MID NIGHT SUE sold to Elmine Watts , from Kentucky by Vic Thompson , Shelbyville , Tennessee . The price for this black show stallion was $ 3000.00 . There were several sales in the $ 1500 and over bracket .
Mr . Gibbons and Mr . Garner expressed that the sale went as expected and they do have plans to have another Walking Horse Sale this fall .
Actual buyers represented the states of Pennsylvania , Kentucky , Tennessee , Michigan , Indiana , Ohio , West Virginia , Virginia , North Carolina and Illinois . This reporter observed many new faces and names which is a good indication that these were new buyers into the Walking Horse industry .
The facilities at Tattersalls are tremendous . They were built with the knowledge of the sellers and buyers needs . The day of the sale was cold and rainy , but with inside facilities for your every need , one was very comfortable throughout the sale .
A note of interest regarding this particular sale was the supposition that the Tattersalls Sales represents an entree into untried markets for the Tennessee Walking Horse . It is this writers opinion that a lot of buyers representing other breeds were present at this sale to look at Walking Horses . If our owners and trainers will handpick horses for this sale in the fall , they will bring good prices . Remember that the newcomers in this part of the country like fine , pretty horses . They do not have to “ hit that big lick ” just as long as they are walking . Take a
few like this to Tattersalls and you are almost assured of a sale .
SPRING JUBILEE Three-Night Thriller
National Tennessee Walking Horse Show in Beautiful Maury County Park Columbia , Tennessee
JUNE 1 , 2 , 3 Thurs ., Fri ., Sat .
Judges : Jimmy Holloway , Walking Horse Hall McNabb , Walking Horse Clyde Orton , Walking Horse
Tom Walsh , Gaited
Get Reservations Early — For Entry Blanks and Prize Lists Contact :
Mrs . Shirley T . Napier , Sec .
P . 0 . Box 972 , Day Phone 388-0110 Night 388-0887
Sponsored by the Maury County Horseman ' s Assoc . MARSHALL LEDBETTER , JR ., PRESIDENT Member of the Mid-South Horse Show Association
April , 1967 11