Bluegrass Walking Horse Auction Sets Stage For Fall Sales
When Marshall Freeman of the Freeman Auction Company brought the hammer down marking the sale of the first horse to go through the Fall session of the Bluegrass Walking Horse Auction , there was a little bit of apprenhensions on the part of onlookers as to the couise which this sals would take .
Owned and operated by Kentucky Walking Hoise Sales . Inc ., of New Castle , Kentucky , this sale is a newcomer to the business . As a result of renewed interest in Walking Horses throughout the state of Kentucky , this sale was set up to help bring some more good stock into the state .
The sale was held in New Castle on September 16th and 17th , just two weeks after the Celebration and it was obvious that the big problem on the first day was the absence of volume purchasers . Saturday , however , proved to be a good day , with stock moving at a good clip and
bringing prices that were about right . Brood mares and yearlings were by far the most sought
after stock in the sale with a few good show horses and aged prospects bringing good prices . Of the more than 110 horses that were run through the sale during the two days , only about 25 % were no-saled , which is about average for a sale in the fall . Buyers and consignors were there from various states including New York , Missouri , Ohio , Tennessee , Indiana , West Virginia and Kentucky .
The Kentucky Walking Horse Sales , Inc . is owned by Owen C . Flood , Pres ., W . S . Ricketts , 1st Vice President , Joe Bush , 2nd Vice President and John M . Berry , Jr . Sec-Treas . Edwin , Marshall and R . C . Freeman were the Auctioneers .
PRIDE ’ S BIG STORY made headlines for Gail Reeve , in the Ladies ’ Class . GO BOY ’ S LEADING LADY with L L Greer up led all the other marcs in the Aged Mare Class . GO BOY ’ S MERRY ACE took Reid Estess , Jr to the blue in the Three year old open . I won the Open Amateur Class on SUN ’ S SCATBACK , and was very proud of myself . The Stake Class was won by LIMO SINE ’ S GO BOY with Dude Prestwood up for Mrs . EliZokotVi Prr . twnod of D ’ Lo , Mississippi .
On July 5 , 1966 fifteen interested persons met in the basement of the Pike County Health Department Building to perpetuate an idea born of necessity . The necessity being that a way of promoting the Tennessee Walking Horse in the very heart of Dixie was badly needed .
On July 18th a second meeting was held in Magnolia , Mississippi and the idea became a reality . The Organization was named the Heart O ’ Dixie Walking Horse Association and incorporation processes were started .
By the third meeting on August 8th in Centrevilif , Mississippi the Constitution and By-laws were presented to the group and accepted . A nine man Board of Directors were selected and from that Board a full slate of officers were unanimously elected .
By : Billy Joe Ann Estess
Hi ! My so much has happened since the Celebration , I hardly know where to begin . First of all I feel that Congratulations arc in order to the new Walking Horse Association formed in my area , the Heart O ’ Dixie Walking Horse Association , which has in three short months accomplished feats almost unheard of in our circles .
We went to the Natchez , Mississippi Show on September 17 and enjoyed it as usual . Mr . and Mrs . J . C . Brooks of McComb , Miss , were really proud of their GO BOY ’ S MERRY ACE , the little black stud that we ’ ve had in training with us for two seasons . He ’ s just a three year old but won the Junior Walking Horse Open there , with Reid up . I don ’ t want to sound braggy , but honest , he just caught ’ em all flat footed !
I saw Sharon Terry there and she was at her usual best . Jimmie Holloway retired the Hightower Memorial Challenge Trophy on SFIADRACH ’ S FIRST LADY , with Bill Crutcher in reserve on a QUARTERBACK horse I didn ’ t catch the name of .
At the first Heart O ’ Dixie promoted show , Pete Breeland kept up his winning ways on PIN-UP ’ S MACK K in the two year old class . Jackie Everette showed her PERFECTION ’ S RING to perfection in the Juvenile Class . LIMOSINE ’ S GO BOY carried Dude Prestwood to the winner ’ s circle in the aged Stud and Gelding Class .
Officers and Board of Directors of the Heart O ’ Dixie Walking Horse Association are from left to right , seated : Charles Magee , President and Director , Billie Joe Ann Estess , Secretary and Director , J . A . Perkins , Treasurer and Director . Standing : William M . Bickman , Director , R . B . Reeves , 1st Vice President and Director , G . G . Breland , Director , R . H . Nunnery , Director , Lester Carruth , 2nd Vice President and Director , and W . Floyd Williamson , Director .
Numerous meetings of the Board of Directors have been guiding this newly formed group with definite goals in mind . Long range proposals for the Association include ,
a point system to designate Champions in each class , at the end of the year , leasing and eventually purchasing land for permanent facilities to be built on ; a sale and a Championship Show to be held on this property ; promoting at least ten shows a year to educate the general public as to the quality of this breed in places that have n ° t previously had shows of this type ; and to re-activate those s ows that have ceased to be in this region .
Incorporation has been accomplished and many o t ese proposals have already been set into motion . n September 24th the first Heart O ’ Dixie Walking Horse ssociation show was held in Kentwood , Louisiana nine well filled Walking Horse classes .
At this time approximately 70 paid Family Membersups arc on the Roll which involves a total membeisnp of from 210 to 240 persons .
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking H ° r