1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 November Voice RS | Page 22
October in California is about like
mid-summer in Tennessee and on Oc
tober 8-9, Tennessee Walking Horse
fans throughout the far west converged
on the State Fair Grounds in Sacra
mento, to demonstrate the progress
that they have made in the past few
years with this fine breed. The Fair
Grounds, one of the most colorful
spots we have ever seen for a horse
show, is well suited for such an event.
The ring is designed specifically for
Rodeo and horse performances.
Stable facilities were excellent and
the two day performance was run with
precision that kept the horses moving
well from the stables to the ring. An
nouncer Hob Vargas proved to be ex
cellent in his capacity. We would like
to give this gentleman a “vote of
OFFICIALS—Left to Right: Bob Vargas—Announcer; Jay
Sprccher—Organist; Ruth Christman—Publicity; Joe Biles—
Judge; Joyce Ferenz—Ring Secretary; Dr. Pyron McMillen—
Invocation; Cathy McCalcb—Show Secretary; Paul Christ
man—President and Jerry Carter—Ringmaster.
thanks” for the manner in which he
handled the traditional “boot cere
mony’ within the ring. Bob simply
stated to the audience that the “boots
arc dropped in the ring to assure that
they are made of the proper material
and are of the proper weight”. If this
example were followed by other an
nouncers it would do much to answer
the questions of many viewers who do
not know what is taking place. Thanks
Mr. Paul Christman, President of
the Association deserves a special vote
of appreciation for the fine job he and
the other officers did in organizing the
show. The Show committee, consist
ing of Frances North, Viki Self, Helen
Porter, G. H. Roberts and Leonard
Dunn, put in two hard days at the
show. Sharon McCalcb also deserves
credit for her efforts in the Horse
Show Office.
Judge Joe Riles of Beaverton, Ore
gon. tied the Forty-Two Classes with
determination and deliberation. This
man knows Walking Horses and did
a commendable job by any standard.
We would like to apologize for our
picture content of the VOICE cover
ing this show. Photographer Johnny
Johnston did an excellent job with his
photography but somewhere between
“here and there” we misplaced our
identification of the winners pictures
and are sure that some of them may
be wrong. We had no way of identify
ing the colt winners and elected to
group these without identification..
(Continuedon page 40)
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse