EDITORS NOTE : For the past few years , we have received numerous requests from our readers to print something regarding the life and background of our Founding Editor , Ben A . Green . This “ country gentleman from Middle-Tcnnesscc . has endeared himself to Walking Horse loycis ever } where with his book , the “ Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horse an through the VOICE in it ' s beginning . Opportunity presented itself rcccn > as Mr . Ben A . Green was honored bv the Civic Clubs of Shclbyvillc , lenncsscc . He was the guest of honor of the Lions Club at a banquet on September 29th and over two hundred people representing the Walking Horse business , the Celebration , the Breeders Association and various civic , ^ btisincss and political leaders of Tennessee , participated in a production of this s Your Life1 ". It is from this program that we present the following story o Ben A . Green .
This is your life .
Ben A . Green was the fourth of five children in the family of Mr . and Mrs . Duff Green of Lonoke , Arkansas . He was born September 5 , 1902 and has loved life ever since with an enthusiasm seldom seen . He received his elementary school education in Arkansas schools and graduated from Central High School in Birmingham , Alabama . His family moved to Alabama in 1918 and while attending high school there he started his career as a Journalist . He became the high school sports correspondent for the Birmingham News in his senior year .
College loomed inviting to young Ben Green and in the fall of 1921 he enrolled at the University of Alabama , majoring in English . His college years were steeped in journalistic activity and while there he was Editor of the “ Crimson and White ” college newspaper , a member of Sigma Delta Chi national Journalism Fraternity and was Sports correspondent for the Birmingham News . He graduated in 1925 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree .
His formal education behind him , Ben Green , headed south to become associated with the St . Petersburg Times in Florida . His success while working with this fine publication lead to an even better position with the Tuscaloosa Times in 1929 .
Family life began for Ben Green in 1929 , when he married Alice Bates Williams of Shelbvville , Tennessee . They were married in the home of her sister , Mrs . Fred Prentice in Chattanooga , Tennessee . Their first child , Benjamin Arthur Green , Jr ., was born in 1930 and twin sons , Bruce and Duff Green were born in 1933 . Ben Green , Jr ., is now a Nuclear Physicist and both of the twins are Rectors in the Episcopal Church .
After the War , Ben Green moved to Tallassec , Alabama , to become Publisher of the Tallassee Tribune . While here he was elected President of the Alabama Press Association and later President of the Alabama Associated Press Group . These positions serve as mute testimony of the efficiency and enthusiasm of this young journalist . He sold the Tribune in 1945 and for 5 years worked in various important capacities in the field of Journalism throughout the State of Alabama . In 1950 he was appointed Softball Commissioner of Alabama , a position that
related back to his experience as a sports reporter in his younger days .
In 1953 , Ben A . Green and his family moved to Nashville , Tennessee , where he accepted a position with the Nashville Banner . It was here that Ben A . Green became infatuated by the various outstanding attributes of Tennessee . His enthusiasm for the “ country music center of the World ” led to his personal campaign to make the “ Grand Q1 Opry ” a household word throughout the nation . He was proclaimed Tennessee ’ s official “ Ambassador of Country Music ” by Governor Frank Clement while
16 working for the Nashville Banner and it was through his efforts here that he became Editor of the “ Country and Western Jamboree ” magazine , published in Chicago .
Other duties soon demanded his talents and in 1953 Ben Green left the Nashville Banner to accept an assignment for the U . S . Senate . Later in 1958 , he moved to Shclbyvillc , Tennessee , to join the staff of the Times- Gazette and became Editor on January 1 , 1959 .
Tragedy struck Ben Green in 1959 when he was informed that he had cancer . He recovered fully from a serious operation and eventually returned to his desk at the Times-Gazelte . It was during his recovery that he turned his talents toward that phase of his career that interests us most ... the Tennessee Walking Horse . In the summer of 1960 , he started writing a book entitled “ The Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horse ”, a volume that has since become the focal point of Walking Horse history and documentation .
Ben Green was again struck by calamity . In August of 1960 , his beloved wife of 31 years passed away . For over a year , Ben concentrated on his book and other activities to take his thoughts away from his personal loss . The sun began to shine again however , and in August of 1961 , Ben A . Green and Mary Frances Patton of K oxville , Tennessee , were married .
Still feeling the effects of his cancer operation . Ben A . Green was forced to retire temporarily from full me work and he turned his talented typewriter toward a 5eld he now knew well . . . the Tennessee Walking Horse His book about the Tennessee Walking Horse had been printed and was on the market and he immediately started work on the second phase of his personal program to expand this famous breed . On March 1 , 1962 . the fi rst issue of the VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse national magazine was mailed out to more than 2,000 new subscribers . Few people realize the personal sacrifice that Ben Green and Mary Frances made while getting both the “ Biography ” and the VOICE on the market . Their home served as collateral for the loan required to finance both of these major projects and it was a full year before they egan to see their way to financial success . In September , 1963 , the VOICE , as it has since become known , was purchased by a corporation in Chattanooga , Tennessee , and has since become the most popular periodical for Walking Horse lovers from coast to coast . Vere it not for the initial dedicated efforts of Ben A . Gieen and his devoted wife Mary Frances there would c no VOICE . Few would have had the courage to risk so much for so little in an effort to provide a means of communication for this great breed . It had been tried several times before , and^ none had survived , but due to the efforts of Mr . Ben A . Green , the VOICE is a reality an t c entire Walking Horse business is better off for the success of his dreams . •„
A- Green is still working with the Shelbyvii c 1 irnes Gazette . He is still up early , making the rounds , gettmg news from every local source He still gets mail rom alking Horse lovers everywhere and on his mai -
OX in front of his home on Brittain Street , there is a VnirpVr a Walkins Horse and the words THE
s far as we are concerned he is still “ the voice •
VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse