GRAND CHAMPION — Tim Babb is nirtnr . a r . . , Trophy al the Northern California W a I kmc Horse Shi ? 5 * to ™1mPi ° nsh ‘ P Ribbon and Dr . Turner Bynum . Oklahoma City , Oklahoma Owner “ TROUBLE IN THE HILLS .
TROUBLE IN THE HILLS new threat to West Coast !
The arrival of Mr . and Mrs . Jim Babb to the West Coast has served to emphasize the continued growth and interest in this breed “ out west ”. Adding even more stimulation to Walking Horse activity in California was the arrival of TROUBLE IN THE HILLS to stake class competition . “ TROUBLE ” ... as he is known , is considered to be one of the outstanding big time show horses
Of the breed at the present . He is described by his owner , lurner Bynum of Oklahoma City , Oklahoma , as
• ' tU ♦ ' ° ne tBe most consistent horses now showing hat part oi the country ”. He can be depended upon to
r- ° n a credible performance every time he enters tie O *
14- VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse