1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 May Voice RS | Page 4

HELEN and BILL JONES with Handshaker's Rebel ... a top four-year-old black stallion by Mack K's Handshaker. DON’T TRY TO "KEEP UP WITH THE JONES” Handshakers Rebel And Doug Wolaver Make Potent Team If anyone were to pick a family that is "typical” of the people in the Walking Horse business, it would be a family like the WILLIAM JONES of Fayette­ ville, Tennessee. BILL Jones, wTho is an MD and a general practitioner, and his wife HELEN, who is also an MD, entered the fraternity of the noble equine in much the same way as many others. Their farm in Fayetteville is named after the blood line of their first Walking Horse ... a Last Chance mare. Focal point of the Jones family’s horse activity at present is Handshaker’s Rebel, who is in training with DOUG WOLAVER. Raised and owned by Dr. and Mrs. Jones, Rebel already has an enviable rec­ ord under Doug’s guidance and is aiming high as a 4 four-year-old this season. As a two-year-old, this tre­ mendous black stallion amassed an excellent record, including the Blue in the 1964 Futurity. Shown spar­ ingly last year, Handshaker’s Rebel terminated the season by tying third in the Junior Championship Stake at the Celebration. Rebel has collected quite a following among the Walking Horse people and those who have seen him work this year rave about his natural ability and speed. He is a "cocky” horse, standing about fifteen- three, with a long flowing tail. A "headshaker” as well as a Handshaker, this stallion nods with every step and keeps going right on into the running walk. He has a long sweeping stride and walks under him­ VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse