1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 May Voice RS | Page 8
Project of the Methodist
Church makes good use of
Tennessee Walking Horses
'Jwtn Mobile to baJhimee...
yke bevemd, jLeitee Spurn,
tu wat/ on
koueixuk to celAwte tie bicentennial off MlethdUm
Walking Horse enthusiasts in many parts of the
country will be pleased to note that horses of our
beloved breed are well represented in the "Saddle
bags East” project of the Methodist Church. This is
a re-enactment of the rides made by many Method
ist circuit riders in the early days. This project is
described as "more than a publicity stunt.” It is a
graphic reminder to the Methodists and their friends
across the land of the rich heritage out of which this
denomination came.
One hundred twenty-eight hardy horse enthusiasts
responded to the idea of "Saddlebags East,” and
one of the twelve selected was the Rev. LESTER
SPENCER (no kin to your Editor), pastor of the St.
Mark Methodist Church in Mobile, Alabama.
The Rev. Mr. Spencer embarked* on his journey
from Montgomery, Alabama, on March 14, following
an impressive service at the Post Office there. The
presiding Bishop of the area, W. KENNETH GOOD-
SON, presented the saddlebags with their contents
of a circuit rider’s Bible, a hymnal, and a Methodist
Discipline. The Rev. Mr. Spencer dressed for the part
with a three-cornered hat, a black cloak with crim
son lining, and riding boots.
The route selected by Rev. Spencer included Mont
gomery, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Lake Junuluska
(a North Carolina Methodist retreat), Asheville, Lynch
burg, Va., Charlottesville, Washington, D.C., and Bal
timore. These were some of the major stops along the
way, which included many small towns en route. The
Bi-Centennial Celebration is scheduled to take place
on April 21 in Baltimore and the travel schedule is
slated to cover sufficient ground by horseback and
trailer in order for Rev. Spencer and his two sturdy
Walking Horses to arrive in plenty of time for the
In discussing the trip with your editor, Rev. Spen
cer said that he knew his horses were Tennessee
Walking Horses, but did not know whether or not
they were registered. He did attest to the ease of
handling, gentle nature, and smooth ride that they
gave him. His horses are both owned by Mr. TOMMY
GILBERT of St. Elmo, Alabama. Mr. FRED GILBERT
of Mobile made the trip with Rev. Spencer and helped
care for the two bay geldings, whose names are Pep
per and Junior. (Perhaps their real names are Go
Boy’s Pepper and Midnight Sun, Junior.) A note of
interest was the fact that Rev. Spencer was indeed
familiar with the Walking Horse activity in the Mo
bile area. He asked your editor if we knew a Capt.
E. A. SELF, from Mobile, who happened to be one
of his parishoners. Walk on, Rev. Lester Spencer!
in a late news item, the VOICE learned that the
Rev. WI