1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 February Voice | Page 13

A im FfTOi r=iiu u L: ON! viNaTURa J2 j ' Jim Gideon praises Vi-Natura "Vi-Natura really helped Patty Conger win the World's Championship,” said Jim Gideon at the NCHA finals in Reno. ''I've hauled her 80,000 miles this year, and she looks as good and is as peppy as the day we started.” Jim is sold on Vi-Natura-plans to use it regularly at his new Coppel.Tex. ^ training stables between ^ ^^wDallas and Ft. Worth. VI-NATURA rode with Patty Conger on 80,000 mile trail to the 1965 World Champion Cutting Horse Title Eighty-thousand miles of trailer riding, plus energy-sapping participation in 68 shows! This is the gTueling schedule that made the strength and stamina-building effect of Vi-Natura so important to trainer Jim Gideon in taking E. H. Mooers’ Patty Conger to the 1965 World’s Cut­ ting Horse Championship. Veterinarians say Vi-Natura increases total red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total serum iron. The resultant increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood gives more vigor and staying power—helps hold con­ dition through the extra stress of showing, hauling and working. Like Jim Gideon, many owners and trainers of cutting horses report Vi-Natura has given their animals the important edge nee ded to win championships. Compounded with pure honey, Vi-Natura is a rich, tasty liquid.. .just pour over feed. ^ Whether you’re showing champions or trying to keep a pleasure horse in peak condition... building up an anemic horse or growing out a colt... keeping stallions in service or brood mares in condition... give remarkable new Vi- Natura three weeks to prove itself. [QVI.l Q UOII UU through veterinarians BLOOD-BUILDING EQUINE VITAMIN/IRON COMPOUND Write for free 12-page booklet telling how champions stay in peak fitness. Compounded with Pure Honey H3TUR3 Available nationally viNaTURa Trademark: Vi-Nalura Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories Division of Richardson-Merrell Inc. P. 0. 8ox 167. Kansas City. Mo. 64141