1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 February Voice | Page 9
0 gives stallions more vigor
and staying power
0 mares stay in better condition
through foaling
0 foals get off to a faster,
healthier start
Just 4 to 8 ozs. of Pace
Feed Booster Pellets
in each horse’s
daily ration can do it
Pace Feed Booster Pellets
Kraft Foods
Agricultural Division, Dept. 20-B
500 Peshtigo Court, Chicago, Illinois 60690
Here’s its bank of milk nutrients: dried whey,
delactosed whey, hydrolyzed whey, dried buttermilk
You don't have to wait very long to see
results once you start including the Milk-
Bank Boost of Pace in your horse rations.
The milk nutrients and other key ingre
dients in Pace provide elements you
don't usually find in ordinary feeds. They
supply lactose, protein, minerals, vita
mins, and important growth factors.
These give horses a better rounded
diet, and help them assimilate more of
their feed. They make rations more
palatable, too, to keep horses on feed.
Give Pace a try. You’ll see what *ust a
Please send me details on a life cycle feeding
program using Pace Feed Booster Pellets
for my horses.
few ounces a day can do to give you
healthier, more vigorous, and better
blooming horses, from foal to mare and
stallion. Ask your dealer about Kraft
Research Tested-Farm Proved feed for
mulas for your horses, or send in the
coupon below.
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. . . where better nutrition starts with milk