EBONY MASTERPIECE and MERRY GO BOY sires for S . W . Beech Stables
LET ’ EM WALK ON — This nine-day-old Go Boy colt seems to disprove the theory of some people , who say that " walking doesn ' t come naturally ."
This is the era of specialization ! The man who chooses to specialize is bound to prove more successful in his particular field than the man who does not . It has been said that " a specialist is a man who learns more and more about less and less , until he knows absolutely everything there is to know about nothing .” This may be true in the case of “ lefb-ear doctors ,” but NOT SO in the case of the S . W . Beech Stables in Lewisburg , Tennessee .
Back when Merry Go Boy first came to Beech Stables , there was a lot of activity in various areas of the Walking Horse business , but it later became obvious that to " concentrate on colts ,” rather than on saddle horses , might be the " key to success ” for this stable .
Since that time , the name " Beech Stables ” has become synonymous with " top colts ” in the Walking Horse business . Colts from S . W . Beech ’ s stables have won many ribbons at the Celebration , as well as their share at the T . W . H . B . A . Futurity , to amass an enviable record . Mr . Beech said , regarding his show ring success , " We work the year ' round searching for our best colts and keep looking until we are sure that we have selected the cream of the crop . We know that we are a step ahead of many other breeders , especially those with only a few good mares , because we have such a large choice due to the size of our breeding program . We try to keep in close contact with all breeders who have colts by our studs and we make every effort to get the best . It is our advantage to select and promote the top colts by our studs . This is only good business .
( Continued on page 34 )
4 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse
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