^Jeedk Annual
^Jeedk Annual
The curtain was brought down on Southern Horse Show activity with the completion of the Annual Southern Championship Show in Montgomery , Alabama , November 8-12 . This was one of the most outstanding shows that they have had in recent years from the standpoint of attendance and exhibitors . Eight hundred and twenty one horses were entered in this five day show and they provided some of the finest competition we have ever seen in
late season competition . Judge Jack Darnell was taxed to the limit to tie some of
the larger classes and was obviously perplexed at times to find his winning horses . Some classes looked like the Celebration with thirty five to forty horses entering the gate , and it was a man sized job for one Judge to undertake .
There were many interesting episodes to the show this year . As usual a lot of top horses were shown here that for one reason or another were not shown at the Celebration . Classic example was TRIPLE THREAT AGAIN , winner of the Two Year Old Championship . This much talked about bay stallion by the renowned TRIPLE THREAT , was exhibited by Doug Wolaver after working him only a few months . He appeared ready for the challenge but was pushed in the 2 Year Old Stallion Class to the point that SUPER SPORT , an outstanding black stud colt owned by Vic Thompson won the class . Trainer Mack Motes , riding for Thompson Stables , has made excellent progress with this colt and should make a lot of Three Year Olds work hard next season . TRIPLE THREAT AGAIN is well named . We have never seen a colt that was as much the image of his sire as this fine colt . Both TRI PLE THREAT AGAIN and SUPER SPORT will be top contenders next year . Carl Edwards was third in the stake with I ’ M THE GREATEST , another fine young horse .
Three Year Olds were abundant at the Southern Championship and while none of the top Celebration 3 year olds were on hand to challenge him , SENSA TIONAL SHADOW , with Wink Groover in the saddle put on a championship show to win the stallion class and the stake . In the final event Mr . Groover worked his horse to perfection and many observers stated that he was ready for any challenge in the nation . He is a great horse ! Second in the stake was PIDDLEY ’ S BLACK ALL , ridden by Bob Reid . This horse could also be a top contender next year . Mack Motes was third , riding GO BOY ’ S RAVEN .
Many observers of the Southern Championship felt that the most outstanding horses of the show were shown in the Junior Classes . Elmore Brock put on a superb exhibition with MR . GLO to win the Junior Stallion Class , keeping this fine bay horse in contention as a stake horse to watch for in 1967 . Second in the Stallion class was LIMOUSINES MASTERPIECE with Mack Motes in the saddle and MAN OF RHYTHM , the 1966 World Champion Junior Horse , was tied third with Boyd Hudgins up . Boyd was not pulled out for the final two horse
workout . The Junior Stake Class saw a different MAN OF
RHYTPIM as Mr . Hudgins made sure that his horse “ did enough ” to get into the workout . In this class he was “ THE big time show horse of the Southern Championship Horse Show ” and proved that he has all the quality necessary to make a bid for the “ Big Stake ” next vear . Second was GO BOY ’ S LADY ANN with Doug ' Wolaver
riding . This top mare had won the Junior Mare Class handily and was a good second in the stake . Mack Motes was third on LIMOUSINES MASTERPIECE .
Age Horses were much in evidence at the Southern Championship . Many of the top contenders of the Celebration were there and the general opinion was that “ we been this route before .” While performing in superb fashion , there seemed to be something missing from these classes . Maybe we expect too much from our stake horses , which are supposed to be “ the best we ’ ve got .” GO BOY ’ S SUN DL ’ ST , one of the most consistent aged stallions that we have seen for the past two or three years put on an excellent exhibition to win the blue in both the Stallion Class and the Stake . Trainer Bud Dunn has made many flawless shows with this top horse and , in our opinion , his performance at Montgomery7 was one of the best . Second in both events was DUKE ’ S HANDYMAN with Hcrshcl Talley making his usual strong bid to win . Third in the stake was GO BOY ’ S BLACK ' LABEL with Donald Paschal up . This is the fine age marc that had won the mare class and came back strong in the stake . The third place horse in the Stallion Class was a much imtodptTT ° rSC- ^lat l °° kcd good both nights . MR . MASr k
George Livingstone up . We mention the lourth place horse here because both horse and rider deserve comment . JOHNNY MIDNIGHT , ridden by Elmore Brock , put on a crowd pleasing performance both m the stud class and the stake and tied fourth both nights- - a \ be we expect too much from JOHNNY but he looked mighty good to a lot of observers
nil 3n ; uthosc1Amatcurs !! They really put on a show . In ‘ thc Preliminaries these folks laid in there with it as ( Continued on Page 10 )
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