1966-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1966 April Voice RS | Page 35

ANOTHER VI-naTURa CHAMPION! VI-NATURA rode with Patty Conger on 80,000 mile trail to the 1965 World Champion Cutting Horse Title Eighty-thousand miles of trailer riding, plus energy-sapping participation in 68 shows! This is the grueling schedule that made the strength and stamina-building effect of Vi-Natura so important to trainer Jim Gideon in taking E. H. Mooers’ Patty Cong’er to the 1965 World’s Cut­ ting Horse Championship. Veterinarians say Vi-Natura increases total red blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and total serum iron. The resultant increased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood gives more vigor and staying power—helps hold con­ dition through the extra stress of showing, hauling and working. Like Jim Gideon, many owners and trainers of cutting horses report Vi-Natura has given their animals the important edge needed to win championships. Compounded with pure honey, Vi-Natura is a rich, tasty liquid.. .just pour over feed. 4 Whether you’re showing champions or trying to keep a pleasure horse in peak condition... building up an anemic horse or growing out a colt... keeping stallions in service or brood mares in condition... give remarkable new Vi- Natura three weeks to prove itself. 4 vinaTURa BLOOD-BUILDING EQUINE VITAMIN/IRON COMPOUND Available nationally through veterinarians Write for free 12-page booklet telling how champions stay in peak fitness. Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories £■ Compounded with Pure Honey Trademark: Vi-Natura Division of Richardson-Merrell Inc. P. 0. Box 167. Kansas City. Mo. 64141