1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 May Voice | Page 5

Probably the most famous picture of MIDNIGHT SUN, this photograph was made in 1946 and appeared on the cover of the BLUE RIBBON of that year. A SALUTE TO MIDNIGHT SUN By Fred E. Friend "The Horse of the Century”. . ."A Living Legend” . . ."The Greatest of the Tennessee Walking Horse Sires” — these are only three of the many glowing tributes continually paid to the renowned Midnight Sun, 410751, who on June 8 will celebrate his twenty- fifth birthday, his Silver Anniversary. Since it is so unusual that a famous stallion should live to this age and during his lifetime become a "living legend,” it is very appropriate that this pub­ lication, devoted exclusively to the Tennessee Walk­ ing Horse, should honor Midnight Sun with a special "Salute.’’This brief sketch and the excellent selection of photographs on these pages form our Birthday Greeting to this undeniably great horse. We wish for him many more years of productive service to the breed he so magnificently represents. The name of Midnight Sun is altogether linked with the Harlinsdale Farm, of Franklin, Tennessee. For more than twenty-one years of his life the stallion has been "at home” on this famous establishment. Therefore, we talked with the owners of this farm, Mr. W. W. HARLIN, of Franklin, and Mr. A. F. HARLIN, of Nashville, and with the manager of the farm, Mr. HARLIN HAYES, to secure our infor­ mation. "We knew about the horse and had looked him over as a colt,” related Mr. W. W. Harlin, "but, frankly, we were never very much impressed with him until he was a four-year-old. It apparently took him a while to fill out and really begin to look like something we’d want to own.” "You see,” joined in Mr. A. F. Harlin, "we already had No Limit Allen and Gold Bond in service here, but we were especially interested in the horse be­ cause of his Wilson’s Allen breeding.” "We also had the strong recommendation of the late HENRY DAVIS, one of the shrewdest judges of Walking Horses who ever lived. Henry told us that this horse would become the greatest breeding horse the Tennessee Walking Horse breed has ever seen,” continued Mr. W. W. Harlin, "and I guess the record May, 1965 shows that Henry was as good a judge of horses as we thought he was.” "Henry Davis negotiated our purchase of the horse from Mr. JOHN A. HENDRICKSON of Manchester,” recalled Mr. A. F. Harlin, "and we wereon our way.” Thus it was that Joe Lewis Wilson, foaled June 8, 1940 on the farm of S. M. RAMSEY at Viola, Tennes­ see, came to Harlinsdale Farm and became, in a hap­ py inspiration of name-changing, Midnight Sun. September 8, 1945, Midnight Sun became the first stallion to win the coveted horseshoe symbolizing the Grand Championship of the Tennessee Walking Horse National Celebration. He was an impressive champion. THE TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE MAGAZINE for October, 1945, contained an account of his victory and emphasized the bloodlines which had crossed well to produce such a superior perform­ er. The author, probably JIMMY JOE MURRAY, concluded, "Therefore, a new World’s Champion has been made for the breed through his ancestry, Roan Allen F-38 and Hunter’s Allen F-10, with the com­ bined blood of the Trotter and Pacer. Long be his years in lending the glory of noble ancestry for the achievement of the Tennessee Walking Horse. Let his tribe increase. May many future stars in the Walking Horse firmament be placed there by the get of Midnight Sun!” His repeating as Grand Champion in 1946 and his other sparkling victories in the show ring were anticlimaxes, as his impressive championship in 1945 had already marked him as the likely successor to Wilson’s Allen, the sire of champions. His confident owners and his admiring public did not have long to wait for the prophetic wish quoted above to begin becoming a reality. In 1949 Midnight Merry, a power­ ful three-year-old filly, walked away with the World Grand Championship, and the progeny of Midnight Sun thus began their domination of the most coveted honors for which Walking Horses compete. Look at the record in brief: Midnight Sun is the sire of the Grand Champion Walking Horses of 1949, (Continued on page 6) 5