By Judy Byers Killen , Alabama
Spring is finally here and not too soon for us . The people now will be traveling the roads looking at horses and our pasture was full of people looking last weekend . We spent all day showing Evening Sun and his colts as well as selling and trading our mares and yearlings . Our new colts are our best advertisement for Evening Sun and we have already booked many mares to him . We plan to put a better picture of Evening Sun in the May issue of the VOICE , as the January picture did not do him justice . Come see for yourself .
I have received several letters and phone calls from people who read my article . One woman called to tell me about a mare she owns that is expecting her first foal at age 30 . The mare is by Ben Allen , the stallion pictured in the VOICE in January ( Remember Back When .....). She has all foundation breeding on her papers and of course MRS . EMMONS is anxiously awaiting the birth of this foal . Several prominent mares in Walking Horse history have had colts at a ripe old age . Nell Dement F-3 , the dam of Merry Legs F-4 , lived 28 years and had her last foal at 26 years of age . The dam of Brown Hal , Jr . F-41 was jumping fences at 20 , had her last colt at the age of 29 , and lived to be 32 years old . Merry Legs unfortunately died at the age of 21 from colic . Many mares produce foals until they are 20 to 25 years old . We have had several of our own mares foal at that age . Several outstanding stallions have sired colts late in life . Giovanni sired 26 colts when he was 29 years old and old Merry Boy got colts w ' hen he was 31 years old . Old Tom Hal was said to be 35 years old when his greatest son , Bald Stockings , was foaled . The history of the Walking Horse is full of interesting stories of these fine foundation sires and dams .
Show season is starting here earlier than usual this year with Hartsille , Alabama April 10 and Athens the 24th . There will be shows now every weekend until fall . The Florence show will be on Saturday , July 3 , and they are planning a big one . Anderson , Alabama will have a horse show this year , as will Green Hill . Lexington has a good show ' every year and Russellville- has its usual big show scheduled . I will try to have the dates for these shows in the next issue so that you can plan to attend .
CARL and LEWIS HOLDEN of Lexington have a two-year-old black filly with RED ALEXANDER . The filly is by Rambler ’ s Go Boy and shows some promise after a few weeks ’ training . Carl Holden started the filly before seeking professional help . Another Lexington resident has a two-year-old black colt in training at Alexander ’ s barn . Actually the young stallion is owned by T . and DALTON WRIGHT .
BARBARA and GEORGE SLOAN of Lexingtonhave a four-year-old roan horse by Sun ’ s Eldorado that Barbara will be showing in the amateur classes this year . Another amateur rider in Florence is JAMES SHERMAN . His Another Sim Dust looks like he is ready for the show ring this spring . I didn ’ t see his mare , Jet ’ s Gambling Girl , work , but Alexander says she is at her best now . They will be shown by Mr . Sherman this year , probably in the amateur classes . We went to Magnusson ’ s Gold Star Sale and saw many good buys . C . H . WILLIAMSON and CHARLES MARTIN bought a good roan filly by Carr ’ s Roan Allen . Williamson also bought a fine two-year-old bay filly by Go Boy ’ s Invasion that he sent back with BOB CHERRY for training . Bob bought a sorrel Go Boy filly , two years old , that looked like a real good buy . Bob will start training both fillies . Charles Williamson and JIM BLEVINS ( Popcorn King ) have a four-year-old Walking Pony being trained now by BUD DUNN . The pony is Sun ’ s Gold Dust by Sun Dust out of a Gold Bond mare . This pony was not shown during the 1964 season but has an excellent record for the 1963 season .
Let me hear from you if you have any news for the Walking Horse world . We are always glad to see other people get in the business , so let me know if you are new to the Walking Horse business .
Dateline : Hickory , North Carolina . The members of the three sponsoring clubs ( Catawba Valley Saddle Club , and the Viewmont and St . Stephens Optimist Clubs ) expressed their pleasure in the success of The Third Annual Catawba Valley Benefit Horse Show . The weather was just perfect for this , " The Carolinas ’ 1965 Opening Horse Show .” Over 8,000 were estimated in attendance at the show and exhibitors came from ten states ( North Carolina , South Carolina , Georgia , Virginia , Tennessee , Louisiana , West Virginia , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , and California ) to compete in the 46 classes . A total of 359 horses were shown in the 46 classes , as all were after their part of the $ 7,000 cash prize money and trophies .
AfterSun was named Champion in the $ 1,000 Walking Horse Championship Stake . Trainer KENNY PRICE rode Sun for the owner , H . C . REEVES of Asheboro , North Carolina , and they were mighty proud of Sun ’ s form , speed and endurance . Last Year ’ s champion Top Talent was close behind in second place . This fine mare was ridden by her trainer , JOHN T . CARTER , and is owned by ROBERT E . PIERCY of Kingsport , Tennessee .
Alvin , ridden by RONNIE CLEMENT of Hickory , North Carolina was the winner the the $ 500 Amateur Walking Stallion and Gelding Class .
Miss Sun Down R , ridden by RAY RENFRO of Fayetteville , North Carolina walked ahead to win the $ 500 Amateur Walking Mare Stake .
Complete results are in the " Horse Show Results ” column , elsewhere in this issue .
16 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse