1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 March Voice | Page 7
JUNE 21-26
Horse sport in Tennessee is
headed for a big gain in the new
year by having one of the now
famous Horse Science Schools con
ducted by Dr. M. E. Ensminger.
Middle Tennessee State College
at Murfreesboro will be the place
and the date is June 21-26.
The above dates are those of the
standard Horse Science short
course. The Farrier Science course,
to turn out blacksmiths, will start
June 21 and run 10 days instead
of six.
Dr. Ensminger's syndicated col
umns in The National Horseman,
The Morgan Horse, The Shetland
Pony Journal, The Voice of the
Tennessee Walking Horse, and
other equestrian periodicals are
familiar to many.
The Horse Science School devel
oped out of a need for sound, con
centrated learning for thousands
of new horse owners, trying to be
their own grooms and trainers as
well as riders.
The pattern of the Horse Science
School, starting in 1965, is to be
held annually at Wisconsin State
College at River Falls, and also at
a new and different site during the
year. The new and different site in
’65 will be MTSC.
Dr. Robert A. Alexander, asso
ciate professor of the Agriculture
Dept, at MTSC and the progressive
instigator of the Horse Science
School in Tennessee, said that a
number of colleges and universities
in the area had applied for the
course, but MTSC was chosen.
These short courses for horse
men are open to anyone, whether
for college credit or not. The
standard fee is approximately
Official sponsor of the Horse
Science short course, at Murfrees
boro, and elsewhere is Agriservices
Foundation, a non-profit, self-sup
porting organization directed by
Dr. Ensminger.
Six Experts io Lecture
The objectives of Agriservices
Foundation are “furthering educa
tion, research, and development in
(Continued on Page 9)
MARCH, 1965
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