EQUINE INDUSTRY ( Continued from Page 13 ) of a consultant to chart policies and programs and ( 2 ) hire an able manager and let him be responsible for the day to day operations . WE NEED FAIR ' TAX CONSIDERATION
We need to get across to tax authorities the fact that many horse operations are a legitimate business with a profit potential , and , therefore not a hobby per se .
It takes time , money and dedication to develop a new breed of livestock or to improve an old one . In particular , the first ingredient — time — is important when it comes to breeding horses . That ’ s because they ’ re under biological control , and no amount of money can speed up reproduction or lessen the interval between generations . Generally speaking , those who have developed new breeds of livestock , or wrought marked improvement to existing ones , have eventually reaped handsome rewards , in satisfaction and financially .
The following points are pertinent to the development of a new breed of horses : 1 . Time required . — It takes longer to develop a new breed of horses than it does to develop a new breed of any other class of livestock , simply because ( 1 ) mares generally have one young , whereas multiple births are common with ewes and sows , and ( 2 ) the generation interval of horses is 4 years , whereas for sheep it is 2 years and for swine it is 1 year . Here are the facts relative to one breed of sheep and one breed of hogs : ( 1 ) The breeding program out of which the Columbia breed of sheep evolved was initiated by the U . S . Department of Agriculture in 1912 . Yet , a breed registry association was not established until 1941 .
( 2 ) Washington State University launched a planned breeding program designed to originate the Palouse breed of hogs in 1945 . but no animals were officially registered until 1956 . Thus , it took 29 years to develop Columbia sheep , and 11 years to develop Palouse hogs . Single birth , longgeneration-interval horses are slower — to develop a new breed of horses requires 2 '/ i to 3 times longer than it does to develop a new breed of sheep , and 7 to 8 times longer than for hogs . This means that the development of a new breed of horses may take 72 ' h to 87 years , deducting from Columbia sheep ; 77 to 88 years , deducting from Palouse hogs . Naturally , the required time interval will vary according to the ( A ) quality and uniformity of the foundation stock and ( B ) available numbers ; fortunately , it is possible materially to lessen the time .
2 . Cost — It is noteworthy that the U . S . Department of Agriculture estimated ( Research Achievement Sheet issued May 31 , 1945 ) the cost to develop the Columbia breed of sheep at $ 75,000 , over and above the returns obtained from animal and wool sales . And it must be remembered that Columbia sheep were developed under range conditions and during a low cost era . In my judgment , it is fortunate when a person of the necessary dedication , patience and means set about to develop a new breed of any class of livestock , especially when it ’ s horses . We should encourage them . This prompts a question : In all the years that the Kaiser and Siudebaker companies operated at a loss , were Internal Revenue agents breathing down their exhaust-pipe throats and accusing the companies of operating hobbies rather than legitimate business ? Then , there ’ s another type of management that needs to be improved . I refer to those who may know horses , but who , through their very actions , impart a poor public image of horses and horsemen : That of an unkept , poorly maintained breeding farm , stable , riding academy , sale yard or what-have-you ; characterized by poorly kept horses , an oversized manure pile as a centerpiece , foul odors , and hordes of flies . Such unkept premises have no place in a modern society .
We need to take a hard look at many existing , and some proposed zoning laws . In recent years , the greatest expansion of light horses has been in suburban areas ; on high priced land , under relatively confined conditions , where most , if not all , feed is brought in , and where neighbors are close . However , zoning laws and other restrictions are making it difficult , and often impossible , to maintain horses in such areas .
Despite the problems , I ’ m optimistic about the future of the light horse industry . It will be as good as we make it .
But first we need to recognize the problems that face the industry ; then we need to set about solving them . We must be realistic to the extent of recognizing that the horse is no longer a sinew of war or important to agriculture ; hence we can expect little help from top level government councils and agencies — in fact , the once powerful and sympathetic entre through the Army Remount Service no longer exists . Yet , more than ever the horse is important to the physical welfare , pleasure and entertainment of millions of people . Thus , the industry merits better representation than it ’ s getting . This can be achieved through establishing one overall nonprofit organization dedicated to the welfare of the light horse industry . If you think well of this idea , I challenge you , here and now , to ( 1 ) endorse this proposal and ( 2 ) seek the support of all organizations and horsemen through the length and breadth of the land . It ’ s time for action . We can no longer be complacent , or wait for the other fellow to do it .
I challenge you to establish a nonprofit foundation to be known as the American Equine Foundation : with the Foundation — 1 . Dedicated to further education , research and development in the equine field , for the good of mankind .
2 . Supported from ( 1 ) 5 % of racing revenue now going into state treasuries ( this would net more than 15 million annually ) — with steps taken to change existing laws , state by state , to permit same , ( 2 ) 5 % of horse show receipts1 , ( 3 ) 50 cents per horse registered in each association1 , ( 4 ) 25 cents per ton of finished horse feed1 , ( 5 ) one-half of one per cent of the gross sales on tack and equipment1 , and ( 6 ) gifts , grants and bequests from individuals , companies , public agencies , and trade associations .
3 . Administered by distinguished Trustees and a Board of Advisors , representing all segments of the light horse industry .
4 . Staffed and directed by the most competent persons in the land . Existing foundations will not be disturbed . 1 Voluntary If properly conceived and directed , the American Equine Foundation will make the years ahead the most rewarding in the history of the horse industry .
20 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse