( Continued from page 25 )
JAN WRIGHT on Dark Shadow and SHERRILL MARKS on Go Boy ’ s Jet , last year ’ s World Champion juveniles , tied first and second respectively at the Arkansas State Horse Show .
ELAINE DOUZANIS has tied in the money several times on her new black pony . Temptation ' s Tammy . She keeps this horse with its former owner , FRANK KELLAR , a charming young man who trains horses at his farm in Henning , Tennessee . He is also working a nice stake horse , Specials Sun God .
As for the amateur classes , Mrs . PENN MO HON and Sundust Xmas Belle have been living up to their reputation as a top team , winning both the Ladies ’ Class and the Open Amateur Class at Millington . Mrs . ROSE FLEMING of Okalona took first in the Ladies ’ Class at Verona on Man of Motion , with SIS HARDY a close second on Knock ’ s Black Gold . CLIFF HOLLY has had quite a bit of luck on Holly ’ s Sun in both the amateur and stake classes . Other good amateurs making the show circuit this year are : ERSKINE FALLS ; BRUCE TARKINGTON ; ROBERT PHELAN ; Mrs . AUBREY FLOYD and Mr . Ace ; Mrs . McIVER and Warriors Eclipse ; and Dr . STEVE BLEDSOE on Bledsoe ’ s Golden Sun .
Every season , as the Mid-South parks in , the line-up of amateurs on Walking Horses gets longer and longer .
HORSE SHOW July 22-25 , 1965
$ 8,000.00 in premiums Walking Horse Judge — Ed Carothers Saddle Horse Judge — David Neil
MEMBER : American Horse Show Association Tri-State Horse Show Association West Virginia Horsemen ’ s Association
ORGANIST : Jimmy Richardson
Contact : Mrs . George H . Wright , Jr . Show Secretary Box 966 Huntington , W . Va .
WINK GROOVER ’ S Etowah Civitan Club Horse Show was held Saturday , May 1 . Wink really had an organized show . He did a line job .
My future roommate , VIRGINIA RAY , and Spur ’ s Genius ran away with the Pleasure Walking Class . HELEN GOLDEN and King B ’ s Gypsy came in second with Sycamore ’ s Pride and LINDA LEE third . Merry King Ebony came right out of the pasture with JOE RUSSELL up to win fourth place . King is owned by LEE JOHNSON . Fifth went to Bert Lee ’ s Dream with E . V . LONG up . JOHNNY STEVENS and Shadow ’ s Merry Boy , owned by W . K . BURNS , won the two-year-old class with Belaire ’ s Black Boy and HAROLD KEN NEDY second . Third was JERRY HILL on Jake for JACK DAVIS . MIKE JANEWAY and Shadow ’ s Shot Gun came in fourth and FRED CON- DRA on Merry Sun ’ s Sunburst , fifth .
The Junior Class was also won by Johnny Stevens , atop Sun ’ s Raider . BILL GIBSON was second , and KENNY DICKSON on Master ’ s Maid for HAYNES MASTERS was third . Mike . Janeway captured fourth on Maid ’ s Merry Maid .
A hard-fought Stud and Gelding Class went to Shadow ’ s Image and KENDALL ARMSTRONG . Merry Blue Boy and Kenny Dickson were second , and Thelma ’ s Go Boy with BOYD MELTON up was third . The Amateur Class went to Belaire ’ s First Son and ROY DAVIS . Second was Murr ’ s Sensation with BOB COOLEY up for DAVE MURR . Sun ’ s Troublemaker and ROY THURMAN took third with Shadow ’ s Senorita and Dr . WHITFIELD close behind in fourth .
CHUCK ISBELL won the . Iuvenile Class on Allen ’ s Big Shot after a blazing workout with LEANN Mc-
CLUEN andhermare , Rose Forever . Third was Go Boy ’ s Bright Sun and Virginia Ray .
On May 8 I traveled to the La- Follette horse show . The Juvenile Class was won by Rose Forever and LEANN McCLUEN after a hearty workout with Colonel ’ s Love Lady
Go Booger Go and HUBERT JONES won the Amateur Class , with Jewell ’ s Jubilee taking second .
Fuson Stables won the Two-Year- Old Class with JERRY HILL and Jake second .
The Junior Class went to Boy ’ s Blue Boy and Mike Janeway , with Wink Groover close on his heels atop Go Boy ’ s Big Boy , owned by AL BURNETTE of Morristown .
College Boy and Hubert Jones won the Stud and Gelding Class . In second place was Mack K ’ s Go Getter with JACK WILSON up . CARO LYN STANSBERRY and Merry Boy ’ s Shadow were third . Fourth went to the Commander with DON GALLOWAY up .
The Open Walking Class was won by Wink Groover atop the fine black stud , Satin Sundust , owned by JACK HARBIN . A thrilling part of this show was seeing WINK GROOVER drive a ROAD HORSE !
Mr . and Mrs . CARL HOBBS of Benton Harbor , Michigan tell me that they bought their first Walking Horse , a three-year-old now , from Mr . HAROLD WISE of the Murray Farm in February of 1964 . She is a Go Boy mare . They originally purchased her for a pleasure horse , but decided it might be fun to show her so they left her with the SHAW twins of Pulaski for less than six months , then took her on to Michigan . In her very first horse show she came out with the blue . Since then they have bought three more mares and have high hopes for them . I am looking forward to hearing how these mares do in the coming season . Good luck , Mr . and Mrs . Hobbs , and thanks for contacting me .
Mr . and Mrs . Wink Groover had a very enjoyable party after the horse show . They had all kinds of good things to eat . I had a very good time and so did all those who attended .
I guess this winds up the news for the edition but I ’ ll be back next month with bells on . I hope to have more stables ’ news then because I graduate Sunday , May 23 , and will then have more free time .
26 VOICE of the Tennessee Walking Horse