By MRS . MIRIAM MERRIS Humboldt . Iowa
Winter has come to the Midwest area bringing its sleet , snow , ice , biting winds and zero temperatures . Since it is impractical for man and beast to work under these conditions , most activity in the horse-world is at a stand-still .
It is most advantageous for a stable establishment to be able to carry on a year-round program . Not only is it a financial asset , but the training routine may be kept intact . Horses are kept in their stride and shape up better for the beginning of the spring shows .
Experience and careful planning are essential for such an operation . An enclosed area is an absolute must . The arena should be large enough for necessary gait speeds and maneuverability , yet compact enough to provide some warmth
A most ingenuous design for an all season training establishment is owned and operated by Dick Wallen of Sioux City , Iowa . Mr . Wallen is well known in the equine field as an exhibitor , trainer and a teacher of equitation . He is an accredited judge of Tennessee Walker , 3 gaited , 5 gaited and equitation classes . The Wallen Stables are located at the Northwest edge of Sioux City — protected by the rolling hills that surround them .
The stable construction consists of four rows of box stalls with twelve-foot alleys between each row . The center alley is used for grooming and saddling with four cross-tie stations . The roof and outside walls in the front and back have been extended twelve feet beyond the end box stalls of each row , to provide a runway . These extensions and between the two outside rows of stalls have been covered with six inches of sawdust — thus making a complete covered training circle . Hay and grain storage space is provided in overhead area . No heat is needed as the body heat of the stabled animals keeps the entire barn about the proper temperature for work-outs . Also in the enclosure is an automatic cooler , isolation stalls , large tack room and equipment storage . So , let the temperature drop to zero , the wind blow and the snow pile up ■ — work in training horses and riders goes on . Even the family cow is perfectly at home here and content to live with this stable of registered horse flesh .
Dick Wallens ’ famous PEACOCK ALLEN is many times a trophy and blue winner . He won the 1964 Iowa State Fair Walking Horse Stake , was Reserve Champion at the Minnesota Fair and finished the past season going strong . The unusual markings of this roan and white six-year old gelding and his bold flashy style catches the eye of all when he is on show . He is ALLEN-bred all the way , with conformation , true gaits and speed needed for those blues .
Also in training under Mr . Wallens ’ capable hands is PEACOCK ’ S SHADOW , owned by Dr . Milanberg of Canton , South Dakota . This three year old is a full brother of PEACOCK ALLEN and shows real promise . He will be in the ring this coming season .
Equitation lessons available include all age groups . These are conducted privately or in classes . Assisting Dick is Mrs . Pat Reed . Mr Wallen is an able teacher , giving attention to the most minute detail and striving for performance perfection in both rider and mount It has been said that in Equitation competition one can pick out a ‘ Wallen-trained ’ rider . There are many exhibitors who are excellent riders themselves but are unable to transmit this knowledge to a student . To be able to do so is a rare talent . Dick Wallen is such an instructor with the knowledge of personal experience for a guide .
The name of Wallen has long been outstanding in the equine training profession . Dick Wallens father raised and trained many horses for show and also trick horses for circus acts . So Dick was raised in the trainers field . His children are now beginning to make careers of their own in the profession . The oldest daughter , Linda , experienced in the show ring , is now teaching equitation at Stevens College in Missouri . Randy , the oldest boy , won the Championship equitation class at the International in Chioago . in 1964 , and was up on PEACOCK ALLEN to win in Minnesota . Randy has many other blues to his credit . John is starting , exhibiting at the Iowa State Fair Horse Show competition . The younger children are riding well and have a sound working background to aid them .
Mrs . Wallens ’ WILEYS MERRY a MERRY GO BOY mare , will go in training this spring . Outstanding bloodlines should make this mare an excellent prospect for the winners circle .
Besides Tennessee Walkers , Dick trains and exhibits 3 gaited , 5 gaited and fine harness classes .
The Wallens ’ are friendly people — proud of their establishment and their accomplishments . This is truly a family enterprise that is going strong and foresees an unlimited future . Visitors are cordially received . A trip to the Dick Wallen Stables is an interesting and enlightening experience .
PLEASURE HORSES , BROOD MARES & COLTS Mares in foal to Midnight Sun , Sun ' s Delight , and Ebony Masterpiece . Colts by Midnight Sun .
FACTORY BUILT , 2 HORSE TRAILER Special bargain in this like-new demonstrator
HOLLY TREE FARM Visitors Welcome FRED M . PHILLIPS 217 East Holland , Shelbyville , Tennessee Business 684-7778 Residence 684-5485
70 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse