1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 January Voice | Page 7
This vigorous, handsome horse was judged World’s Champion
Two-Year-Old in 1964. He is owned by Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Sliger of
Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia. Billy Brantley, professional trainer at
Battleground Stables, Chattanooga, Tennessee, has supervised the care
and training of Apollo from the time he was weaned.
“... literally raised on
As a colt, APOLLO was put on the
Battleground Stables’ regular bal
anced ration, which is supplemented
with two ounces per day of Formula
707 for each horse. Billy Brantley
states, “Formula 707 is the backbone
of our feeding program; APOLLO
was literally raised on it.”
Like other successful trainers who have
praised world-famous Formula 707, Billy
Brantley is aware of the value of a bal
anced ration in maintaining peak per
formance. He knows that a horse must be
properly nourished from the day it is
born (or even from the day it is con
ceived), and that a careful feeding pro
gram must be continued every day of its
The typical ration at Battleground
Stables is timothy and clover hay and a
balanced mixture of shelled corn, cotton
seed meal and crimped oats fed accord
ing to weight and work of the individual
horse. To be sure it contains all vitamins
and minerals essential to the good health
and maximum growth of a horse, this ex
cellent ration is supplemented with a
complete ration balancer . . . two ounces
of Formula 707 per horse each day. Re
sult?—strong, healthy colts that respond
well to vigorous training and show ring
Mr. Brantley adds, “I started using
Formula 707 for both pleasure and show
horses in 1961. Our horses seem to like
it, and it certainly helps to condition
them—makes healthy coats, good appe-
tit.-es: and it appears to be a definite asset
to putting weight on our horses without
Formula 707 is available in 10-, 25-
and 50-pound drums. A 10-pound drum,
at $9.75, will last one horse 80 days. You
can buy Formula 707 from vour local
tack shop, feed store or veterinarian,
where you can also get a copy of “Com
mon Sense Horse Nutrition.” This book
let contains authoritative information
about The Basic Ration, Feeding the
Nursing Foal and Fitting for Show.
For your free copy, see your dealer or
write John Ewing Co..LaSalle,Colo. S0645.