1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 January Voice | Page 43

EDITORS COLUMN (Conld.) (Continued from Page 35) Regarding Pleasure horses . . . we realize that this is a growing phase of the Walking Horse busi­ ness and the demand is greater than ever. We stress that the plea­ sure horse market is not as lucra­ tive as some other phases of the business but it represents volume and turn-over that will assist greatly in keeping things moving and stablizing the price of Walk­ ing Horses at all levels. Remember that a good registered mare that is used purely for pleasure could very easily be the dam of a future World Champion or that an old registered gelding could create enough inter­ est on the part of the owner to en­ tice him to buy a better horse. It all adds up! We hope that 1965 will be a good one for you, regardless of your personal interest. To breeders, amateurs, professional trainers, owners, horse show managers, and pleasure horse riders, we extend to you our pledge to assist in any way to make your activities more lu­ crative, more enjoyable and above all, more advantageous to the fu­ ture of our beloved Tennessee Walking Horse. the HorthueAt Hail, 1965! A brand new year! And what looks like the best Show Season ever! However, there is a crying need for uniform and understandable rules applying especially to Pleas­ ure and Trail Horse Classes. In travelling from show to show, state to state, we see great variety and confusion in these classes. In one state, a pleasure class may see English equipment, Western equip­ ment, a jumper saddle with hacka- more bridle, and trail class “props.” In another state, or even another locality in the same state, English and Western classes are properly divided. In yet another it is dif­ ficult to tell English pleasure from Stake Classes! We may see English BULLETIN pleasure with “loose rein” so An item of interest was made “loose” there’s no rein at all, and known to the VOICE just as we so uncollected the entire group went to press. JOHNNY MID­ looks like the “end of the trail,” NIGHT, a full brother to the 1963 and “hands” are just something to World’s Grand Champion SUN’S DELIGHT, has just been purchased sit on to keep warm. While some by Mr. Larry E. Gribble and Mr. of the classes look like they might T