1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 January Voice | Page 30


This time of year is perfect for a brisk ride over the country roads on your favorite pleasure horse . The horses feel fresh and ready to go on a cold day and the rider enjoys a good run as much as the horses . We have been riding more lately because our Greenhill community now has a riding club . These riding clubs have been started in most of the small towns and communities in this area . They ride every ’ Sunday afternoon . The meetings are held once or twice a month for business and plans for the construction of the show ring for the scheduled shows and for trail rides . There are riding clubs in Waynesboro , St . Joseph and Loretta , Tennessee and Florence , Greenhill and Lexington , Alabama . There are approximately 75 families in the membership of the Greenhill riding club and most do not yet own a horse .
These people are interested in Walking Horses but think they are out of price range . Actually they know very little about the Walking Horse as a pleasure horse and are surprised that Bill can ride a registered Walking stallion with me riding a mare on the trail rides . We buy , sell and trade pleasure horses as well as our registered mares and colts and good reasonably priced horses are hard to find . The Walking Horse business has a ready market in these riding clubs and I hope we can get these prospective horse owners to ride a Walking Horse today and own one tomorrow .
Back to the show horse phase of our Walking Horse world for a few words . George Witt has the first step on the way to the top at the Celebration stake for 1965 . DUSTY ’ S BEST CHANCE , the chestnut stallion he rode to 3rd place in the rough 3 year old stake at the Celebration , has taken the Southern Championship trophy and blue ribbon in the Junior stake at Montgomery . DUSTY had been undefeated in the show season and should continue next year to walk off with the blue ribbons . George also has a roan mare for William Crawford that should be ready for the show ring by spring . She is a full sister to SPUR ’ S BIG GLORY and has a lot of promise in her way of going . Three filly colts by MIDNIGHT SUN , SUN ’ S BIG SHOT and SPUR ’ S TOPPER are being worked for the 2 year old classes next spring . Work at the George Witt Stables will really begin in earnest after the first of the year .
The Montgomery Show was this year the most for news and great horses . CARBON COPY retired from the show ring for the surprise of the year after a $ 125,000 sale price . GO BOY ’ S SUN DUST took away the blue ribbon and defeated everything in the stallion class and was ready to walk away with the Southern Championship , but for an accident . The horse stepped on a nail in coming out of his stall and it was a deep wound . GO BOY ’ S SUN DUST was not able to come Sack in the stake class on Saturday night . The Southern Championship would have put him at the front door at the Celebration next year , but they can ’ t take away his stallion victory and remember he is still the one that would have been the Champion but for an unfortunate accident .
Look out for these Alabama horses next year with DUSTY ’ S BEST CHANCE ridden by George Witt of Athens , Alabama and GO BOY ’ S SUN DUST with Bud Dunn of Florence , Alabama riding . That SUN DUST and MERRY GO BOY CROSS would seem pretty potent with these two horses as examples . DUSTY is by SUN DUST out of a GO BOY mare and , as noted by the name , the black stallion is by GO BOY out of a SUN DUST mare . Dr . Henry , owner of GO BOY ’ S SUN DUST ( actually owned by Janis Henry ), also has another great show horse in SUN DUST PERFECTION . Those that have seen both horses have a hard time deciding which they think is the best and to have them both in the show ring at the same time would be a sight to see . We have the first colt by SUN DUST PERFECTION and this black filly shows promise of being much like her sire . We have wished for such a show prospect and this colt may be it . But if wishes were horses all men would ride — right ?
Lloyd Moore of Florence has put in training the first colt by EVEN­ ING SUN S . and his progress is outstanding to say the least . The colt will be shown as SOCIETY SUN and it looks like he will be one of the first colts ready for the two year old classes and is a real walking colt . This chestnut colt won a blue ribbon in the first colt class he entered last year .
M . L . Magnusson had his Gold Star Sale in the sale pavilion at the Old Milky Way Farm on December 11th and 12th . It was a good place to sit in comfort in elevated seats and see the horses work in the long hall of the sale barn . Magnusson sold some of his mares , show horses and colts and also had a little of everything else . Included in the sale were gaited ponies pleasure horses , Shetland ponies and a Belgian colt . He plans another sale for the spring and you can consign or get on the mailing list by writing to M . L . Magnusson , P . O . Box 102 , Pulaski , Tennessee . The weather was rough for the sale but prices went about right for what they were selling . Several good show horses sold around $ 5 , - 000 and the full brother to EBONY MASTERPIECE was entered and had active bidding . Magnusson is moving his horse business to Pulaski and plans other sales . We bought one mare at this sale but
always enjoy attending the sales even if we don ’ t buy or sell anything .
By Judy Byers Killen , Alabama