1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 February Voice | Page 42

LACK DUST M . R .— 510391 — by MERRY BOY out of MARY HENDER­ SON by ROAN ALLEN F-38 . Standing at Sain Stables . Bell Buckle , Tennessee . Fee : $ 100.00 at time of service with return privileges . Call 275-3891 . Owner : Sain Stables . Bell Buckle , Tennessee .
SUN ’ S MIDNIGHT DUKE — 621956 — by MIDNIGHT SUN out of MERRY HONEY GOLD ( granddaughter of MIDNIGHT SUN ). Standing at Harlinsdale Farm , Franklin , Tennessee . Call Mr . Harlin Hayes ( 615 ) 794-4414 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owners : Elkhorn Stables . Mr . and Mrs . Gordon H . Wilder , Lexington , Kentucky .
# SUN ’ S GO BOY — 500730 — by MID­ NIGHT SUN . 410751 out of JOSIE R , 472509 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables , Shelbyville , Tennessee . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owner : Mrs . L . E . Harris , Mc­ Minnville , Tennessee .
•& GO BOY ’ S CHEERLEADER — 560936 — by MERRY GO BOY . 431336 out of BROWN ’ S PRETTY PAT . 481273 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables , Shelbyville , Tenn . Fee : 8100.00 . Owner : Mr . H . J . Combs . Calhoun . Georgia .
• Chappy days k .— 520009 — by pride OF PANOLA . 431453 out of MAUDE WILSON FROST . 430315 . Standing at Midnight Oaks Stables . Shelbyville , Tenn . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owner : Armstrong Loan Service , Baton Rouge , Louisiana .
■^JUNE ’ S MERRY BOY — by JUNE SUN out of MERRY BOY ’ S LILLIE . Standing at Halacre Farms , Vonore & Sweetwater Road , Sweetwater , Tennessee . Phone 337-7512 . Fee : $ 50.00 when colt comes . Owner : J . S . Howell , Englewood , Tenn .
•$ f WILSON DEAN CHOICE — by WIL­ SON DEAN out of SNIP ’ S CHANCE . Standing at Halacre Farms , Vonore & Sweetwater Road , Sweetwater . Tennessee . Phone 337-7512 . Fee : $ 100.00 at time of service . Owner : J . S . Howell , Englewood , Tennessee .
^MIDNIGHT SUN GLO 0 — 560574 — by MIDNIGHT SUN , 410751 out of G- NILA ’ S BONNIE , 462063 . Standing at Elmore Brock Stables , Sparta . Tennessee . Phone 738-2594 . Fee : $ 100.00 . Owners : Brock & Officer , Sparta , Tennessee .
■^■TOM DOOLEY — 590487 — by SOCIETY MAN out of NELL BRADFORD . Standing at Haynes Haven Stock Farm , Spring Hill , Tennessee . Mr . Alton ( Junior ) Pierce . Trainer and Manager . Call 615-486-2662 . Fee : $ 100.00 with return privilege . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . Roy Dorsey , Atlanta , Georgia .
SUNS TRAVELER — 481921 — by MIDNIGHT SUN 410751 , out of NOB- LITTS QUEEN ALLEN 401266 . Standing at Fessey Barn . Brentwood , Tennessee . Call 291-5063 . Fee $ 100.00 . Owner : Earl Fessey .
■X-GO BOY ’ S INVASION — 550437 — By MERRY GO BOY out of GOODNESS SAKE . Standing at Stallion Stables , Inc ., Shelbyville , Tennessee . Call Ed Ezell , Jr ., 294-2911 . Fee $ 100 . Owner- Vic Thompson , Shelbyville .
TEXAS MERRY BOY SKIPPER , by MY- NETT ’ S WILSON ALLEN by WIL­ SON ’ S ALLEN out of MERRY SUE by MERRY BOY . Owner : A . B . Cole , P . O . Box 249 , Bowie . Texas . Standing at Cedar Lane Ranch , located 2 miles north of Bowie on Highway 81 .
■ftB . MAJOR WILSON — 530658 — by MID­ FLY , 453260 . Standing at Lawn Vale Farm , Gainesville , Virginia . Phone 754- 7575 . Fee : $ 250.00 , live foal guaranteed . Owners : Mr . and Mrs . E . Carl Hengen .
GO BOY ’ S JIM DANDY — 570571 — by MERRY GO BOY , 431336 out of MARI­ GOLD CHANCE , 491362 by LAST CHANCE 350034 . Standing at Mario Farms , Port Republic , Virginia . Call William C . ( Bill ) Loomis , Jr ., Harrisonburg , Virginia 289-5062 . Fee : $ 100.00 . live foal guaranteed . Owner : J . D . Stokely , Falls Church , Virginia .
BUDDY HANCOCK — 630876 — by BUDDY LEE . Fee : $ 50.00 with return privilege in season . Owner : Dr . James C . Andrews , Woodland RFD # 1 , Box 230 , Charlottesville , Virginia .
THE JAGUAR — 540615 — by GO BOY ’ S SHADOW out of SNIP ’ S GO ON DI­ ANNE . Standing at Clarence Goodson Walking Horse Stables , Rt . 2 , Galax , Va . Telephone 236-4997 or 236-3808 . Owned by Mr . and Mrs . R . Frank Felts , Montvale , Va . Fee : $ 25.00 with return privilege in season .
WASHINGTON THUNDER BIRD — 431141 by CHIEF ' S ALLEN out of FARRAR ’ S GRACIE ALLEN . Bay . Fee : $ 75.00 with return privileges for season . $ 1.00 day keep for mare , $ 1.50 for mare and foal . Excellent care . Staley Farms , Washtucna , Washington . Phone 427 .
SECRET VENTURE — 610904 — by MID­ NIGHT SECRET , out of HILLGROVE MERRY MAID . 4 years old . Fee : $ 100.00 with return privileges for season . $ 1.00 day keep for mare , $ 1.50 for mare and foal . Excellent care . Staley Farms , Washtucna , Washington . Phone 427 .
HONKY TONK B — 634235 — by THUN­ DER BIRD out of BALDEY BEE . 2 years old , black , limited booking . Fee : $ 50.00 , return privileges for season . $ 1.00 keep for mare , $ 1.50 for mare and foal . Excellent care . Staley Farms , Washtucna , Washington . Phone 427 .
Experienced T . V /. H . Trainer for new show barn , fa break and show . Sober and dependable . References requested . Wonderful opportunity for right man . Write or call J . T . Staley , 727 Sherrod Ave ., Florence , Ala .
1-8 year Walking Pony broodmare and pleasure mare , 1-2 yr . filly , 2 yearling stud colts . Top blood lines . Contact Donald Woodworth , St . Joseph , Illinois . Telephone 469-4608 .
FOR SALE 2 yearling fillies . Dark Chestnut , strip , one has two white socks . Out of proven mares . Especially nice . 1 yearling stallion . Chestnut with light mane , strip , 2 socks , stylish , good action and size e out of champion mare . 1-2 year old black stallion , beautiful conformation and action . Successfully shown at halter .
Gentle but has fire . 1 -3 year old bay roan gelding . Excellent show
prospect . Bold powerful way of going . 5 months of training . Gentle . All above are by THUNDER BIRD — Twice champion at The Celebration Breeders Futurity , as weanling (’ 43 ) and yearling (' 44 ). 1 -6 year Chestnut mare to foal in April to THUNDER BIRD . Champion at halter Strip , light mane , 2 stockings , 16 hands . Pleasure broke . LAST CHANCE breeding , by BUCK LaMARR out of SHEPHERD ' S MIRACLE MAID . Contact : Archie D . Staley , Washtucna , Wash .
WANTED TWH Groom / Trainer wanted . Private stable . Keep up finished horses and start colts . Drive van & help show . Modern house . Top proposition . Work available for wife . Give experience , qualifications , salary requirement & picture . Write to Box HW , ' c / o Voice Publishing Co ., P . O . Box 3054 , Chattanooga , Tennessee .
WANTED Good used 6-horse van , with living quarters . Describe and price . Picture . H . M . Utter , Akron , I ndiana .
FOR SALE 1964 Colts by my leading stallions . Only a limited number . Contact L . C . Fritzsche , Shelbyville , Tennessee . Phone MU 4-4431 .
FOR SALE Reg . Mare , foaled May , 1955 . Granddaughter of MERRY BOY and MIDNIGHT SUN . 13 F ' s in pedigree . Gentle . Can do plenty . $ 750.00 . Stallion colt foaled May , 1964 . Sired by reserve World ' s Champion . $ 250.00 . Contact Austin Cain , 10815 — 131st No ., Largo , Fla .
GROOM WANTED Must be experienced , reliable and sober . Call Ernest Bugg , Lawn Vale Farm , Gainesville , Virginia . Area Code 703-754-7575 .
FOR SALE Reg . 3 year old sorrel mare , gentle and pretty . 8 year old ch mare by SEMINOLE CHIEF , good amateur mare . Fast 7 year old bay amateur geld , grandson of MIDNIGHT SUN . Real Walking 7 year old bay stallion , grandson of MERRY BOY . Big head-shaking 5 year old ch stallion grandson of MIDNIGHT SUN . Contact Dick Sweigart , Symbol Acre Farm , Leola , Pennsylvania . Phone 71 7-656-6945 . WALK-A LONG .. STABLES — TWH trained , boarded , sold and shown . Assure your horses of Trainer ' s personal attention . Ralph Craft — Trainers — Raphael Craft , Cutler , Illinois .
FOR SALE GO BOY ' S MERRY GIRL R . — 620276 — and GO BOY ' S PRIDE B . — 630926 . Both mares 4 years old , sound pleasure broke , sorrels .
$ 1,000.00 each . D . M . SEMPLE & SONS Winchester , Ohio Phone 695-3431
FOR SALE One “ Pieper Parader " Automatic Walker for cooling horses . Factory made of heavy material . Trouble-free hydraulic operation . Simple to set up . Will give years of trouble-free use . This equipment was used for demonstration at Celebration and is priced below regular cost . Contact : C . BRUCE SPENCER , c / o VOICE Publishing Company , 124 East 10th Street , Chattanooga , Tennessee . Call 267-1726 .
42 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse