1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 February Voice | Page 40

SIR MAU GRAY THE 2nd—623260 SON OF BELAIRE—550177—by SIR by FLICKA MAU GRAY, 431899, out HENRY ALLEN out of SUN’S MOON­ of MR’S MISS, 540573. Standing at 537 LIGHT by MIDNIGHT SUN. Standing Cloverleaf Drive, Monrovia, Califor­ at Belaire Stables, Calhoun, Georgia. nia. Call 359-1013. Fee: $100.00. Own­ Owner: Davis Brothers Chevrolet Co. ers: C. & Iola Robinson. Fee: Private Treaty. Contact Roy Da­ MOONLIGHT KID—by MIDNIGHT vis, Davis Brothers Chevrolet Co., Cal­ SUN. Dam: MOONLIGHT ROMANCE houn, Ga. by GOLD BOND, 2nd Dam, JUNE ILLINOIS KNIGHT by GIOVANNI. Fee: $100.00, live foal guaranteed. Owner: Bea •X-GO BOY’S MIDNIGHT ACE—580175— Walker, 10300 Cal vine Rd., Sacramento, by GO BOY'S SUN-UP, 520612 out of California. Phone MUrray 2-2742. BLACK DAISY, 470504. Standing at DUNN’S TROUBLEMAKER—by MID­ Robbins Stables, Salem, 111. Fee: Pri­ NIGHT SUNSET by MIDNIGHT SUN vate Treaty. Owner: Wayne E. Rob­ out of MERRY LADY BELLE by bins, Rt. 50, East, Salem, Illinois. WHITE MERRY BOY, JRV Standing in NOTE: ★ A star by any listing in the San Juaquin Valley. Fee: $100.00. IOWA monthly "Stallion Directory’' indicates Owner: Mrs. E. R. Meister, 13611 N. GO BOY’S BANDIT — 620402 — by that the horse is featured in the Janu­ Snelling Highway, Merced, California. ary Stallion Directory issue. For com­ MY MERRY BLACK MAN—592119— MERRY GO BOY out of BLACK plete information on these top breeding by MERRY GO BOY out of a MILLERS DAHLIA L. Standing at Rangemore Farms, Walking Horse Division, Rt. 4- sires please refer to the January WILSON ALLEN mare. Mare’s name Waterloo, Iowa. Call: AD 3-7997. Fee: VOICE. PATSY BYFORD. Standing at Leonard Private Treaty. Owners: Dr. & Mrs. Dunn Walking Horse Stables, Sacra­ Rex B. Foster, Jr. ALABAMA mento, Cal. WAbash 5-9586 days, at ■JfEVENING SUN S—600825—by SUN night call WAbash 5-0956. Fee: $100.00 GO BOY’S REBEL—570442—by MER­ DUST out of SUN'S MIDNIGHT with return privileges during the year. RY GO BOY out of MERRY QUEEN MAUDE. Standing at Bill Byers Farm, KAY. Standing at Hawkeye Melody Owners: Major and Mrs. Raymond Rt. 2, Killen, Alabama. Call Florence, Stables, Grundy Center, Iowa. Call Moore, Santa Clara, California. Ala. 766-1119 or 764-2261. Fee S50.00 at ANDY’S JOE—632574—by RHUMBA Area 515-366-2098. Fee: $50.00. Owner: time of service with return privileges. Mr. Dwight Heltibridle. BEAT. 590260, out of CRAWFORD’S Mares boarded SI.00 per day. Owner: LYNN ALLEN, 461728. Standing at T-P MIDNITE PLEASURE, JR. — 581329 Bill H. Byers. Ranch, 22872 Main St. (Grand Ter­ — by MIDNITE PLEASURE R.G. out COPPER NIGHT—580261—by NOBLE race) Colton, California. Fee: $75.00. of LADY NIGHT. Double grandson of MIDNIGHT out of SKYLIGHTS Call 582-9444. Owner: W. Roy Ander­ MIDNIGHT SUN. Standing at the son. QUEEN. Standing at Sunshine Stables, EYRE WALKING HORSE STABLES. Selma, Alabama. Call 874-8451 or 874- •^COCHISE LIG