1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 February Voice | Page 26
By Miriam Merris
Humboldt, Iowa
There is excitement and antici
pation at the Eyre Walking Horse
Stables of Grundy Center. A new
mare and colt have come to live
at the farm. Marlys and Warren
Eyre made a trip to the Sam Pas
chal Stables this fall and purchased
an aged MERRY BOY mare with
her colt sired by MIDNIGHT SUN.
This little fellow is a fine speci
men of horseflesh — scarcely will
ing to lead as yet — but Warren
has started working with him. The
Eyre’s are expecting to show him
in weanling classes this season to
start him on his career. His blood
lines are of the finest and big
things should be in store for him
in the future. His dam is in excel
lent condition and expects to foal
a SETTING SUN colt this year.
Both Marlys and Warren Eyre
train and exhibit and are well
known in the mid-west show cir
GAL out of NANCY SMITH is a
strong going black mare. She has
been shown by Marlys in ladies
classes and has many placings to
her credit. This year, with Warren
Eyre up, she placed 4th in a large
mare class at the Minnesota State
Fair Show. She is in foal and will
not be started this coming season.
Senior stallion at the Eyre Sta
JR. This shiny jet black 7 year old
is a double grandson of MID
NIGHT SUN. He is a natural
gaited walker, with a free and easy
sytle. In his many show appear
ances, he has always tied in the
winners circle. His first colts will
be starting this season as 2 year
Junior stallion is MERRY BOY’S
RAMBLER, a flashy, bold sorrel
with good strong gaits. He has
ROAN ALLEN, JR., breeding. Be
sides being a 3 year old champion
winner, he has many other plac
ings to his credit.
Both of these stallions will be
standing at the Eyre Walking
Horse Stable this coming season.
Warren Eyre is starting five
young horses in training next
month and six brood mares will be
foaling. Since both Maryls and
Warren Eyre will be exhibiting this
season, things will be humming.
Warren will again show MERRY
BOY’S RAMBLER and Marlys
plans to be up on MIDNIGHT
No visit to the Eyre’s would be
complete without a chat with Mrs.
Katie (Grandma) Schwarck. This
fabulous little lady, many years
young, is so enthusiasic about Ten
nessee Walkers that she sparks the
conversation over cups of her ex
cellent coffee. She is familiar with
pedigrees, bloodlines and histories
of Walking Horses—past and pres
ent, is an ardent spectator and a
familiar figure at all shows.
Mr. Eyre carries a busy schedule
—he has a large farm which re
quires tending besides working his
horses. Mrs. Eyre not only man
ages a large home but helps with
the training and is an exhibitor in
her own right, teaches music and
has done some writing. Recently
published is an excellent booklet
“The Story of SUN’S ACE HIGH”
a well known Tennessee Walking
Horse of the Midwest area, writ
ten by Marlys Eyre.
The Eyre’s are members of the
Corn Belt Walking Horse Associa
tion and active in other farm or
Hawkeye Melody Walking Horse
Stables — owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Dwight Heltibridle and located
Southwest of Grundy Center, Iowa
—are the proud owners of ISHA
1964 Tennessee Walking Horse
Champion GO BOY’S REBEL.
This MERRY GO BOY stallion is a
strong going 8 year old dark sor
rel with excellent conformation
and eye-catching style. Other wins
to his credit include qualifying
classes and Reserve Champion at
the Illinois State Fair. Shown 37
times, he has placed in the top 35
times. GO BOY’S REBEL will be
standing at Hawkeye Melody Sta
bles this coming season.
Watch for NIGHT SONG H. G.,
another of Heltibridles star per
formers. Here is a horse that is
going places. This black 4 year old
mare was raised in Tennessee.
GO BOY dam breeding and foaled
by MERRY GO WILSON, she has
all the fire and go of a champion.
She is already proving herself. In
three year old classes she won
three blues, a 2nd and 3rd and in
mare classes that same year chalk
ed up 2 blues and a 3rd. As a 4 year
old at the Minnesota State Fair
she placed 1st in the mare class
and 5th in a large Stake class.
She works with effortless rhy
thm and moves free and easy. Her
front reach and head action is out