1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 April Voice | Page 32
If all other professional and
semi-professional groups that
are banded together in a common
endeavor can benefit from a'fra
ternity’ or 'society’. . .then why
not the Professional Walking
Horse Trainers? This was the
question pondered by GEORGE
LEE LENOX after only a few
years in the business. After much
consideration and discussion
with people involved in all areas
of Walking Horse activity, it
eventually became apparent
that not only was there an inter
est in such an organization but
that there was a genuine need
for it.
There were, of course, many
problems to overcome in the es
tablishment of such an organiza
tion. Someone had to spearhead
the initial movement. It had to
have plausible identification and
it had to have charter members.
It must also be organized so that
all intents and purposes were
clearly understood and so that no
faction or parties active in other
areas of the business could take
issue with it. This, needless to
say, was a major undertaking,
but at long last the finalization of
the organization was complete
and it is now officially chartered.
The name? "The Loyal Order
of Carbon Copy”! Keeping in
mind the individual directly in
volved in the organization of this
association, what better name
could be used to identify the
charter association than the cur
rent World’s Grand Champion
Walking Horse? Having arrived
at this conclusion, a program was
launched to selecttwenty charter
Taking into consideration the
"purposes of the association,” a
group of professional Walking
Horse trainers were approached
and eventually a final selection
was made. These men, in the
minds of the organization’s origi
nators, represented some of the
most outstanding stables and
Walking Horse training oper
ations in the nation. They are
quick to point out that many
others were also considered, but
that a Charter Member list of
twenty was decided upon and it
had to be held to this number.
Specifically, the "purposes of
this Association are as follows:”
(a) To encourage and practice
careful matings of selected
mares to Stallions character
istic of the Standard of the
Walking Horse Breed.
(b) To breed, select, train, and
show only those individuals
with natural ability.
(c) To encourage the use of
Walking Horses for pleasure
and utility purposes.
(d) To promote the Walking
Horse to the general public,
so as to attract new owners
at an ever increasing rate.
(e) To encourage and practice
honesty and integrity in all
business transactions involv
ing Walking Horses.
(f) To uphold the highest de
gree of honesty, impartiality,
and skill in the judging of
Walking Horse classes.
(g) To build a public image of
the Walking Horse trainer as
a Professional Man of the
highest degree of Skill and
It is our understanding that the
"Loyal Order of Carbon Copy” is
open to new members by vote of
the membership and that many
others have already expressed
an interest in joining. It was also
pointed out that membership is
limi ted to such "Walking Horse
owners, trainers and other indi
viduals as elected or designated
by the council who have evi
denced a true intent to comply
with and further the purposes of
this Association” and that "Any
member ceasing to fulfill the ne
cessary qualifications and pur
poses of membership may be
dropped from the role of the
membership by the council.”
A recent election of initial offi
cers produced the following re
sults: RUSSELL PATE, Presi
dent, and JOE
WEBB, Vice
President. Council Members will
be elected at the next regular
meeting of the new association.
Loyal Order of CARBON COPY
(1) JIM BABB - A professional
trainer who really loves his work,
Jim Babb is in the Walking Horse
business by choice. With many
years’ experience as a trainer,
Jim selected a portion of the
country which is "wide open”
for development as a Walking
Horse market. Currently work
ing out of his own stable in Car
thage, Missouri, Jim reportedly
sold over 65 horses last year.
Jim Babb is regarded as a good
judge by other trainers, and has
tied some big shows. He lives
with his family in Carthage,
(2) CHARLIE BOBO - A long
time professional trainer, Char
lie is considered one of the best.
He has worked in many stables
and has been at his current lo
cation in Thomasville, North
Carolina for several years. A
popular figure in the Walking
Horse business, Charlie Bobo
is considered the "Dean of Walk
ing Horse Judges.” He has judg
ed the Celebration, including the
1964 show, as well as many other
top shows in the nation. He lives
with his family in Thomasville.
native Tennessean, Wallace
moved to Texas in 1961 to take
over the training duties of anew
stable near Dallas. He has been
well-known in Walking Horse cir
cles for many years and has
been very successful with Ama
teur and Juvenile horses. Wal
lace is an excellent judge and a
competent trainer. He lives with
his wife and children in Lewis-
burg, Texas.
and raised in Middle Tennessee,
Billy became full-time trainer
after working with Sam Paschal
for several years, and is now
trainer for Battleground Stables,
Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia (just
outside Chattanooga). Winner of
(Continued on page 44)
VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse