1965-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1965 April Voice | Page 14
classic beauty. His flawless conĀ
formation is accentuated by his
black color, and he has three
good gaits to top it all off. He is
owned by L. L. MAJURE of
Meridian, Mississippi.
Miss Majurette is also owned
by Mr. Majure and is considered
one of the best age mares going.
Marianne Leech showed this
mare last year as a three-year-
old and she placed fourth in the
Junior Stake at the Celebration,
as well as winning some of the
top late-season shows. She is a
deep sorrel beauty thathas come
on strong during the winter and
is better than ever.
In the two-year-old ranks, the
Leechs have several good ones.
Most outstanding at present are
a sorrel Midnight S