1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 March Voice | Page 5

SHADOW — all until recently shown under the banner of the Cir­ cle T Ranch by Harold Kennedy and various member of the J. Glenn Turner family; SHADOW’S DAN­ CER, shown by Jimmy Waddell; SHADOW’S BLAZE, now owned by Vernon (Red) Gochneaur, but first made famous by Molly Bab­ cock; SHADOW’S HEADMAN and SHADOW’S UNTOUCHABLE, shown by Vic Thompson; SHAD­ OW’S RED WARRIOR, shown by Deedy Decker; DARK SHADOW, shown by Jan Wright; CINDY’S SHADOW, shown by Donald Pas- c h a 1; SHADOW’S SENORITA, shown by Billy Brantley; SHAD­ OW’S DREAMER, from the Mclver Stables. Doubtless, every reader will want to add another favorite to this brief lis.t By World’s Grand Champion MERRY GO BOY and out of MERRY WALKER, a great show mare in her own right, SHADOW was bred for greatness by Dr. Por­ ter R. Rodgers, Searcy, Arkansas. This double grandson of old MER­ RY BOY has well established him­ self as another prepotent decen- dent in the line of stallions which has made the modern Tennessee Walking Horse what it is today. With remarkable consistency SHA­ DOW is passing along to his get his own beautiful conformation, his deep head-shaking action up front and the spectacular back end which identified his Championship way of going. Those breeding to this great horse are upgrading the breed. “The Find of the Century,” PIDDLEY, is just coming into his own as a sire; however, exper­ ienced horseman who are eagerly buying his colts are convinced that this beautiful, big, black stallion with the faultless conformation, will soon achieve recognition as a sire of Champions, which unfor­ tunate circumstances denied him the opportunity to achieve as a show horse. (Of the PIDDLEY, which was training for certain greatness, one expert trainer re­ marked, “He’s the only horse I have ever seen that made the hair rise on my head when Winston had him really going on!”) By MERRY GO BOY out of ANN’S DIXIE MARCH 1964 ffetarte W ^ ROAH ALLEN F-38 KERRY BOY I GSSTRODE F-84 35018? GRANDSIRE ALLAH P-1_____________ —| KELL DEHEBT P-3______ MERRY LEGS P-4 MERRY GO BOY 431336 0I07AKHI SIRE 370291 | PRA5CESCA (6949 ASH) SIRE'S DAM GO BOYS SHADOW WISER>S HOHNIE -•[ miser ' s MOLLY_________ 400597 ROAH ALLEH F-38 540615 MERRY BOY 1 350189 DAM’S SIRE GERTRUDE P-84 ALLAH P-1________ -{ FSIL DEMENT P-3 KERRY LEGS P-4 391238 HERRY WALKER ^RAMBERT IH DIRECTOR J. P-71 I ARGOT BELLE 'U 2ND DAM 391237 I ROKIHA HEIR GIEAVBS (ENTRY 4TH DAM APRIL 17, 1952 MRS. H. C. BAIIEY JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI DR. PORTER R. RODGERS SEARCY, ARKANSAS OWNED BY HR- OTHER INFORMATION STANDING AT BAIIEY-HOHTGOHERY STABLES LEWISBURG HIGHWAY, SHELBYVILLE, TENNESSEE SRsnoras GO BOY’S SHADOW PEDIGREE — The blood line that has produced a score of Walking Horse greats in the past seven years. i IfMnrpp i 9 W HERRY BOY ^ ROAH ALLEH P-3B I GERTRUDE P-84 R50189 GRANDSIRE MERRY GO BOY MERRY LEGS P-4 ALLEJi F-l_____________ —( NELL DEICST F-3_______ GIOVANNI ^ DANDY JIM. 11 (1531 AgO 43X336 370291 { FRANCESCA (6949 A3R) SIRE'S DAM PIDDLEY 540468 SOCIETY KAN 400554 DAM’S SIRE ANN'S DIXIE MAID -{= VIRGINIA JOYCE 390568 WILSON ALLEN AGAIN 490501 J. DORIS WISER'S MINNIE 400597 WILSON'S ALLEN 350075 ROAN ALLEN P-38 IflLSPIS KSSSKK P-54 {illL f- v ‘ ,f;~H vwyh 1 pt -1 yicm 462870 rwN.BS vt king ruaR H,?3NA5BI ,W k >9 o J KOOHE'S PEHHAHK 3RD DAM1 FOALED JWS 4, .10 BRED BY MBS j J-. BUM BBgaSBE SEX STALLION COLOR BUCK MARKINGS !ft NCNK jfr^.yj.yj.-sciaHagaa OWNED BY igqanaa V J. HONTOOCEBY A B. C. BAILEY * iigaa, mmaami OTHER INFORMATION STANDING AT PAtl.TY-HG-FGTNTNV GTABIES---------------------- IBYISBmr, NIOKAAY SBELBYVILIE, TEHSESSEB Y-< ■ YJf,,'l.'-’.l(»J.*X*X»JlAL»X*X*JLyASXSJLfxK PIDDLEY PEDIGREE — The great background of this “Champion that would have been” assures the top performance of his get. MAID (by SOCIETY MAN), PID­ DLEY represents a crossing of the MERRY BOY and the WIL­ SON ALLEN bloodlines—the com­ bination of greatness in breeding. The one of PIDDLEY’S colts old enough to have a show record is MR. PIDDLEY, owned by Mr. Sam Hall, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. This horse impressed observers with his great natural ability as Bud Dunn showed him through two very suc­ cessful seasons. A whole crop of good yearlings will begin going under saddle later this year and will be heard from in a big way in the 1964 season. Several excel­ lent colts by PIDDLEY are on dis­ play at the Bailey-Montgomery Stables. They all look like the true walking colts. One of the best is a keen sorrel filly out of a mare by RED WARRIOR; this is one to take home and start training for Championship competition. More (Continued on Page 22) 5