1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 March Voice | Page 3

VOL. 3 MARCH, 1964 NO. 1 VOLUME THREE NUMBER ONE BEGINS THIRD YEAR OF VOICE PUBLICATIONS With the publication of this March issue, the VOICE of the TENNESSEE WALKING HORSE VOICE Publishing Company enters its third year of dedicated GpN0RBox 3054ES For lnforrnation Contact: service to the greatest breed of horses which men have developed Chattanooga, Tennessee ^ruce Spencer Ph. 698-7996 for utility, for pleasure and for 37404 Fred E. Friend—Ph. 821-3481 showing. We look backward with gratitude for all those whose en­ STAFF couragement and support have BEN A. GREEN................................................Founding Editor C. BRUCE SPENCER.................................... Managing Editor made possible the beginning of this FRED E. FRIEND...................... Associate Editor magazine, and we look forward GLORIA L. SPENCER.................................... Associate Editor with confidence to its growth into BARBARA M. FRIEND.................................. Associate Editor the best publication which it can MARY FRANCES GREEN.........................Contributing Editor possibly become. DR. M. E. ENSMINGER........................... Contributing Editor The man chiefly responsible for CHARLES GOLDSWIG............................. Contributing Editor the existence of this magazine is, VIRGINIA LAMB.........................................Contributing Editor of scurse, Ben A. Green, the en­ ALETHA WIEHL........................................Contributing Editor thusiastic and effective promoter BETTY BLEDSOE.......................................Contributing Editor of the breed whose writings have BILLY JOE ANN ESTESS....................... Contributing Editor made him known and appreciated HAROLD THACKER.................................. Contributing Editor by all who love the Tennessee ELAINE THACKER.................................... Contributing Editor WANDA LEDFORD DAVIS..................... Circulation Manager Walking Horse. It is highly un­ likely that any other person could ADVERTISING RATES SUBSCRIPTION RATES have initiated this publication and Front Cover $250.00 — Back Cover by determination and personal sa­ $4.00 per year — $10.00 three years. $200.00 — Inside Covers $180.00 — Single copies .50? per. crifice guided it into prominence Full page $125.00 — All other space $5.00 per column inch — Color rates among the horse magazines of the PUBLISHED MONTHLY on request. nation within the short space of two years. We are all very much Postmasters: Form 3579 should be sent to Voice Publishing Company, indebted to Ben for his pioneering P. 0. Box 3054, Chattanooga, Tennessee. efforts. 2nd CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT CHATTANOOGA, TENN. As most of you know, Ben’s health has limited his activities in IN THIS ISSUE recent months. Now it appears that Editor's Column ........................................................................................... p. 3 he must altogether retire from the Cover Story ................................................................................ -................ P- 4 active management and produc­ Professionals On Parade ............................................................................p. 6 tion of this publication — except that we are urgently requesting Feature Story ............................................................................................. P- 8 him to advise with us as he may Dr. Ensminger ..............................................................................................P- H be able to do in the leisure of his Profiles .........................................................................................................P- 12 retirement. Effective with this is­ Walking Horse Around World .....................................................................p. 15 sue, therefore, we regretfully con­ Aletha Wiehl ................................................................................................P- 16 fer upon Ben A. Green the title Betty Bledsoe .....................................................................—..................P- 18 FOUNDING EDITOR, and wish Horse Show Results......................................................................................P- 19 him and his devoted wife. Mary Billy Joe Ann Estess .................................................................................. p. 23 Frances, many golden years of hap­ Horse Business ........................................................................................... p. 24 piness. In our constant efforts to enlarge Horse Show Dates........................................................................................ p. 26 Horses and Horsemen ............................. p. 28 and to improve this publication, the management is adding new Tarheel Review ............................................................................................p. 32 features as rapidly as these can be Stallion Directory ....................................................................................... p. 34 developed. We have recently wel­ T.W.H.B. & E.A. Registrations ................................................................... p. 35 comed some splendid contributors PUBLISHED B Y Voice Trade Market ...................................................................................p. 39 MARCH 1964 (Continued on Page 17) 3