1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 June Voice | Page 4
The annual meeting of the Ten
nessee Walking Horse Breeders
and Exhibitors Association of
America was held in Lewisburg,
Tennessee, Saturday, May 9, 1964.
Principal items of business to come
before the meeting included the
election of officers and a report
on the business of the Association
during 1963-64. President S. W.
Beech, Jr., completed his two
years of service as president of the
organization, having efficiently
and commendably filled the office
during his term.
New officers elected at the meet
ing are as follows: President W. W.
Gill, Petersburg, Tennessee; 1st
Vice President, C. C. Turner,
Broadway, Virginia; 2nd Vice
President, W. V. Ganier, Bastrop,
Louisiana; Director, S. W. Beech,
Jr., Lewisburg, Tennessee; Direc
tor, J. T. Kelley, Columbia, Ten
The Board of Directors of the
Association now consists of the
following: John Amos (Chairman),
Franklin, Tennessee; S. W. Beech,
Jr., Lewisburg, Tennessee; Ed S.
Ezell, Sr., Chapel Hill, Tennessee;
Dr. W. F. Fessey, Nashville, Ten
nessee; Dr. W. V. Gamier, Bastrop,
Louisiana; W. W. Gill, Petersburg,
Tennessee; J. T. Kelley, Columbiia,
Tennessee; W. C. Maclnnes,
Tampa, Florida; C. C. Turner,
Broadway, Virginia.
The Executive Secretary of the
Association is H. Tom Fulton, Cha
pel Hill, Tennessee, and the Se
cretary-Treasurer is Mrs. Marianne
Hawkins, Lewisburg, Tennessee.
The new president, W. W. Gill,
of Petersburg, Tennessee, is a vet
eran breeder of Walking Horses
and is a decendant of the owner of
the great foundation sire, TOM
HAL F-24. The election of Mr.
Gill to this high office is considered
a tribute to his lifelong devotion
to the Walking Horse business. He
is also a charter member of the
Colonel H. Tom Fulton, Execu
New President W. W. Gill of Petersburg, Tennessee, addresses the Annual
Meeting of the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders and Exhibitors Asso
ciation of America. Listening intently from the speakers platform are
S. W. Beech, Lewisburg, Tennessee, Immediate Past President, John Amos,
Franklin, Tennessee, Chairman of the Board, Mrs. Marianne Hawkins,
Lewisburg, Tennessee, Secretary-Treasurer and Ed Ezell, Sr., Chapel Hill,
Tennessee, Member of the Board.
tive Secretary, reported that 1963
was the greatest year in the his
tory of the Association. More than
4,350 horses were registered dur
ing the year, a substantial increase
over the figures for 1962. Regis
tration for 1964 will possibly ex
ceed 5,000 horses. Total member
ship of the Association is now ap
proximately 1,900, and is growing
steadily. The financial condition
of the Association is sound, and
all departments in the headquar
ters in Lewisburg, Tennessee, are
functioning efficiently. Public ac
ceptance of the Tennessee Walk
ing Horse has never before been
so enthusiastic.
In the course of the meeting,
President Gill paid tribute to the
exceptionally fine work of Colo
nel Fulton, who is the public rela
tions representative of the Asso
ciation in his position as Execu
tive Secretary. He also commended
Mrs. Marianne Hawkins for her
efficient service in the office of
the Association.
Following the business session,
the new Board of Directors con
vened and accepted several new
members into the association.
Following the completion of all
business sessions, the membership
attending the meeting enjoyed a
delicious barbecue meal at' the
Marshall County Recreational Cen
VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse