1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 July Voice | Page 8
Barrington and Haines Families
Combine Efforts to Mutual
Advantage of Both Adults
And Children
The Double B Walking Horse
Stables, located 7 miles North of
Columbus, Georgia on Highway 27,
GOOD LAYOUT . . . here is an exterior view of the new DOUBLE B STABLES
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich in Columbus, Georia. Well planned construction, pood ventilation and excellent
ard Barrington on Double Churches facilities highlight the barn.
Road, is proud to announce the
completion of a new modern sta
ble which features all of the ne
cessities required of show horse
training and many extras that
make it a real show place. It has
an inside riding ring 15’ wide and
370’ long around the stalls located
in the center. The stable includes
an up to date tack room, wash
room and automatic walker.
Highlights of the many extra
added attractions of the new barn
are the office in the center of the
riding ring with elevated platform
on each side so that a person may
see his horse working around the
ring. They have an outside all wea
ther riding ring with the same di
CLEAN-UP TIME . . . even the girls
mensions of the celebration ring. pitch in to assist with the grooming
At present there are 24 horses chores at the DOUBLE B STABLE.
in training. One of the outstand Here, one of the daughters of Mr. Brady
Bynum wash up a Walking Pony after
ing horses that has won quite a a workout.
BIG HOSS . . . Hovle Alexander, trainer
for the DOUBLE B STABLES is shown
few blue ribbons is GO BOYS
in the process of grooming SECRET
LUCKY DEVIL, owned and ridden
MISSION, owned by John Mayer.
by Lawrence Hathaway from Phe-
nix City, Alabama. Another horse,
John Mayher of Columbus, Ga. is
making a fine show.
The Double B Walking Horse
Stables represents a family pro
ject for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar
rington and Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Haines. The children of both fami
lies are just the right age to get
the most fun out of their horses
and should be ready for the show
circuit. Gail Barrington will be
riding juvenile classes with her
walking horse, Chuck Barrington
western with his quarter horse, SEE HOW EASY . . . Beth and Richard THE VILLAGE SMITHY . . . Sgt. Paris,
a farrier from Columbus, Georgia, is
Barrington check the feeding system