1964-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1964 July Voice | Page 32

third annual
Proves Horse Shows Can Be Important Part Of Community Activity
It has been said that the Horse Show is the best method that a local civic club can use to easily raise funds for a civic project . Perhaps this is true . But , the Horse Show can also provide aspects of community effort that add spirit and unity to the local citizenry . Rossville , Georgia is a small , basically industrial community located just across the state line from Chattanooga , Tennessee . Some few years ago the city faced an almost unsurmountable problem of unemployment due to the shut-down of the towns largest industrial facility . Over 2,000 local people were put out of work and the local payroll loss amounted to over 6,000,000 dollars annually . In the face of a seemingly disastrous situation , the local businessmen , civic clubs and other interested parties banded together to create new business and new prosperity for the community . At the present , just 3 years after the situation appeared almost hopeless , the city of Rossville is thriving once again with ten new industries and over 1200 newly created jobs .
What has all this got to do with a Horse Show ? The new spirit of Rossville was recently exhibited when the local Kiwanis Club put on a most successful Horse Show . The entire event was a great success , including the full cooperation of “ ol man weather .” Twenty eight of the thirty members of the club worked arduously on the project . For the past three years , this same organization has tried to put on a successful show and has twice been thwarted by extremely bad weather .
The Horse Show management carefully planned the show for several months . All steps ware taken to provide the best facilities , the best prize money possible and
ROSSVILLE KIWANIS CLUB HORSE SHOW CHALLENGE TROPHY — Mr . Billy Joe Robinson , President of the Club and Chairman of the show is pictured with C . Bruce Spencer , President of the VOICE Publishing Company , which donated the trophy in memory of Grady D . Swope , Chattanooga Walking Horse enthusiast who died earlier this year . The trophy was won in the Championship Stake Class by MYSTERIOUS SHADOW , owned by Mrs . Joe Baugh of Nashville , with Harold Kennedy up , and will have to be won three times by horses owned by a single owner to maintain permanent possession .
the finest ribbons and trophies available . The response from exhibitors was good and local attendance was at capacity . In short , they had a very successful show , and have an estimated three thousand dollars profit with which to finance several club projects . Dr . E . B . Quinton , local amateur exhibitor and past president of the club is the man responsible for promoting local interest in a horse show . His past efforts were rewarded by the success of the 1964 show .
Extra attraction of the Rossville Show was the presentation of the Grady D . Swope Memorial Challenge Trophy in the Championship Stake Class . This beautiful trophy of Silver and Mahogany was presented by the VOICE Publishing Company in honor of a personal friend who is considered by many to have been responsible for the renewed interest in the Tennessee Walking Horse in the greater Tennessee Valley area . Initial winner was MYSTERIOUS SHADOW , owned by Mrs . Joe Baugh of Nashville , Tennessee and ridden by Harold Kennedy of Lewisburg ,
Tennessee . The trophy must be won three times by a horse owned by the same person in order to maintain permanent possession . It does not have to be won by the same horse or the same rider , however .
Approximately one hundred horses participated in the third annual Rossville Kiwanis Horse Show and the big attraction was prize money . After surveying the downfall of several supposedly well established shows because entry fees were about 50 % of the first place prize money , the management of the Rossville Show decided to take the sure route and offer the kind of prize money that would draw the exhibitors . It worked and everyone including the Kiwanis Club was happy . We sincerely hope that other shows will follow the example of the Rossville Show and go all out to make it attractive for the exhibitors . After-all . . . they make the show . Good luck next year !
Complete results of the show reported in the Horse Show Results column elsewhere in this issue .
32 VOICE of The Tennessee Walking Horse