JIM was high point pleasure horse in Oregon last year , and is well started toward a repeat this year . Little 13 year old Carol Warren showed her SOCIETY GLAMOUR ( by SOCIETY MAN ) to take second . Carol takes care of her horse herself and really enjoys riding , sometimes going out cross country , or jumping , or swimming the Willamette river , as well as showing in the ring . PIPERS ’ RED RE BEL owned by Bill Newman and shown by Mark Newman was 3rd , THE SUN ’ S BAY GEM , owned and ridden by Jinx Blaine was 4th , and the lady responsible for the class , Amelia Jesinghaus , rode HAMMER ’ S GAY LADY for the 5th ribbon . The few minutes these horses had in the ring left the audience shouting for “ More ! More !”
Mrs . Lew “ Mitzi ” Williams rode their stallion , GO BOYS ’ SUN , for exhibition while a history of the Tennessee Walking Horse was read over the loud speaker system . SUN is a beautiful animal , never defeated in breeding classes , and reserve Pacific Coast Amateur Champion the last time he was shown ( 1961 ) before his retirement from competition . Mitzi is as beautiful as she is charming , so the Grants Pass audience saw a worthy representative perform for about ten minutes , demonstrating the gaits and qualities that make the Walking Horse outstanding . When GO BOYS ’ SUN is stripped , Mitzi ’ s little miniature poodle “ Foo-Foo ” leaps on his back and gets his ‘ ride ’ around . He places himself anywhere on the back from withers to tail and this great show stallion , son of MERRY GO BOY out of a MIDNIGHT SUN mare , is as quiet and gentle as a mother with a newborn baby .
Mr . and Mrs . Lew Williams have a beautiful home near Eugene , Oregon , located on 130 acres of a former country club and golf course . Their big stable contains 58 box stalls , all filled with quality Walkers . Recently they added a 15 stall ' honeymoon suite ’ overlooking the picturesque Willamette river , for visiting brood mares . This spring they sold 14 mares and a stallion , but have 18 brood mares left . This is the home of MR . TER RIFIC by GO BOY , INSTANT TROUBLE by BUCK TROUBLE , BIG JOHN by MIDNIGHT MAC K and MERRY BOY mare , as well as GO BOYS ’ SUN .
The main barn houses a large show ring , as well as spectator room , automatic walker , and roomy stalls . The park-like acreage is divided into many separate pastures . Near the house , within view of the living room and indoor swimming pool is a good sized outdoor ring . In a nearby corral is old MERRY NELL BAILEY , a 24 year old MERRY BOY mare , blind , but perfectly happy in this place she knows so well , with her spry little filly at her side . She lost a colt in February , then , much to every one ’ s surprise carried this little one full time to April 24th — a GO BOYS SUN baby . Chances of twins are 1 in 10,000 , so you figure the odds on an event of this type .
Two other old-timers , owned by Mrs . Eggerman , were here for breeding . Both are WILSON ’ S AL LEN mares , one a full sister to MIDNIGHT SUN . Not many of these left today , but , even now these old ladies are “ somebody special ,” and show it .
The Mitzi-Lew Stable is under the management of genial Mr . Chester Gillespie , a trainer right from Walking Horse country , who has collected his share of ribbons at the Celebration as well as on the Pacific Coast . Activities at the ranch have kept him busy this spring , and the tragedy of the death of GOLDEN SUNDUST , the twice world ’ s champion gelding purchased at the Celebration last September , has left Mitzi without the horse she planned to show this season . SUNDUST never made it to his new home . He became ill en route to Oregon , and it was necessary to leave him at the Veterinary College at Davis , California . About Christmas time reports became encouraging , and it was hoped he was finally responding to treatment . But , had a relapse , and the show ring lost a beautiful contender . Mitzi , Lew , and Chester are very active in promoting interest , primarily among pleasure riders and amateurs , in the Tennessee Walking Horse . Lew has served as President , and is now serving as Director of the Tennessee Walking Horse Association of Oregon . Mitzi is secretarytreasurer this year . They are offering a beautiful trophy for the state hi-point pleasure Walking Horse . Mitzi has shown her willingness to help fill Walking classes even to the point of riding for someone else . Lew , a Walking Horse man , converted from quarter horses , enjoys riding at home , or with friends , but prefers to stay out of the show ring himself .. They are most generous with their hospitality , and the Mitzi-Lew Ranch has been the setting of many happy social gatherings as well as business meetings of the Oregon Tennessee Walking Horse people .
Whenever mention is made of the “ Tennessee Walking Horse Exhibitor ’ s Ass ’ n of Oregon ” you know you ’ re hearing of “ enthusiasts of the super variety !” President this year is Bob Blaine of Portland , Oregon . Bill Newman of Portland is Vice President . Mrs . Bob ‘ ‘ Jinx ” Blaine is Publicity Secretary and the official news sheet , Walker Talker is her very special baby . This monthly news letter is chuck full of news of interest to Oregonian Tennessee Walking Horse owners . Such an endeavor does a great deal to unify the owners and exhibitors from all parts of the state , into one active organization , and , tho the time Jinx must put into the task is awe inspiring , it is a labor of love that brings worthwhile results . Furthermore , Walker Talker often gives THE VOICE favorable mention , which is appreciated !
Another similar sheet is Walker Talk published by Mrs . Dan Bafus , Colfax , Washington . Dan and Elaine announced in the last issue that they have contacted Mr . Nat E . Goodwin II of Shelbyville , Tennessee , and he has offered to come to their Merry Mount Stables , Pullman , Washington to train Tennessee Walking Horses for 40 days ( last of May thru June ). They were taking reservations from out-
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