A1 While , blacksmith of Georgetown , Ohio reports that his shoeing is 90 % Walking horses these days which is just the reverse of his business a few years ago .
J . Miller McAfee , of Lawrenceburg , Ky ., judged the 3rd Annual Circleville Show on May 30th and 31st . Mr . McAfee tied the classes as follows :
Walking Horse Open : 12 in class : ( 1 ) SUN DUST BLACK JACK , rider Paul Sickles , owner Mrs . James Amblin , Xenia ; ( 2 ) MACK K MR . CALI CO , rider Willard Tenpenny , owner Calico Farms , Cincinnati ; ( 3 ) MR . TWIST , rider Fred Kirby , owner Frances Conrath , Athens ; ( 4 ) BIG MAN ’ S REVENGE , owner-rider , Butch Speck , Parma ; ( 5 ) SPUR ’ S JUBILEE , rider Janey Sawyer , owner Meadowlake Farm , Franklin ; ( 6 ) MAID OF THE HILLS , rider Sally Sawyer , owner Meadowlake Farm , Franklin .
Walking Horse Amaleur Class : ( 1 ) MR . GOODFELLOW , owner-rider , Dr . H . M . Boocks , Athens ; ( 2 ) SPUR ’ S JU BILEE . rider Janey Sawyer , owner Meadowlake Farm . Franklin ; ( 3 ) SHINES LADY , owner-rider , Evan Williams , Reynoldsburg ; ( 4 ) MAID OF THE HILLS , rider Sally Sawyer , owner Meadowlake Farm , Franklin ; ( 5 ) EMPEROR JONES , rider Diana Sharrett , owner Jim Sharrett , Clayton ; ( 6 ) CHARLOS JET , rider C . D . Smith , owner , Charles and Lola Smith , Athens .
Walking Horse Stake : ( 1 ) SUN DUST BLACK JACK , rider Paul Sickles , owner Mrs . James Amblin , Xenia ; ( 2 ) MACK K ’ S MR . CALICO , rider Willard Tenpenny , owner Calico Farms , Cincinnati ; ( 3 ) RING-A-DING DING , rider Herman Ingram , owner Meadowlake Farm , Franklin ; ( 4 ) SPUR ’ S JU BILEE , rider Janey Sawyer , owner Meadowlake Farm , Franklin ; ( 5 ) MR . GOODFELLOW , rider Dr . H . M . Boocks , owner Mrs . P . F . Good , Athens ; ( 6 ) BIG MAN ’ S REVENGE , rider Ed Currier , owner Butch Speck , Parma .
When the suggestion was made to have exhibitors judge all the Classes , the Horse Show committee had many doubting - Thomases . However , from the enthusiastic reaction to the decisions rendered at the FIRST ANNUAL ALL AMATEUR WALKING HORSE SHOW held in Dayton , Ohio on the 4th of July , we feel the novel experiment has proved to have great merit .
On Saturday , July 4th , 1964 , was launched the first of many future All-Amateur Walking Horse Shows on the old Plantation Country Club grounds in Dayton , Ohio .
JULY , 1964
A GOOD GROUP ... a snapshot of your “ Roving Reporter ” seen with a group of Scouts , exhibitors and horse enthusiasts at the first Annual All-Amateur Walking Horse Show .
Under the auspices of the U . S . AMATEUR HORSEMENS ASSO CIATION , INC ., and for the benefit of the local Boy Scouts of America , over 300 people and more than 40 horses in 12 classes took part in a most successful enterprise . Many of the spectators had never been to a horse show before ; many of the entries were showing for the first time ; riders , trainers and horses had traveled many miles to participate and several owners came in trailors which were comfortably parked under shade - trees on the spacious grounds . The enthusiasm was contagious and many who remained for the terrific box lunch afterward learned a lot more about horse shows and Tennessee Walking Horse Shows in particular by joining in , first-hand , with the “ horse-talk ” going on under the trees and around the trailors . Grandfathers to grand-children , experienced and inexperienced made up the fun-making , jovial group .
The enthusiastic group behind the newly formed U . S . AMATEUR HORSEMENS ASSOCIATION feel this has been a great send-off . Everyone was so pleased with the novel idea of choosing from among the exhibitors three judges for each class in which they were not exhibiting that we are lead to believe this idea could be carried on in the future . For further proof , there was no dissention concerning decisions . HOW ABOUT THAT ! The following were members of the Official Committees of the Show : HORSE SHOW COMMIT TEE : Mr . and Mrs . C . R . Goldswig ; Mr . and Mrs . Wayne Nickols ; Mr . and Mrs . O . G . Hoffman ; Mr . and Mrs . Evan Williams ; Mr . and Mrs . W . P . Morris ; Dr . and Mrs . J . M . Sawyer ; Mr . and Mrs . Ralph Lovett ; Mr . and Mrs . D . L . Sharrett .
JUDGES PANEL : Selected from exhibitors with Mssrs . Ralph Lovett of Cincinnati , Ohio ; Evan Williams of Reynoldsburg , Ohio and Forest Margrove of Union , Ky . in charge . SECRETARY : Mr . Donald Sharrett , Clayton , Ohio .
RING SUPERINTENDENTS : Mr . Wayne Nickols , Blanchester , Ohio and Dr . John M . Sawyer , Middletown , Ohio .
STEWARD : Mr . Charles R . Goldswig , Dayton , Ohio . GROUNDS SUPERINTEN
DENT : Mr . O . G . Hoffman . VET : Dr . E . W . Beavers , Brookville , Ohio . RING MASTER : Mr . Forest Margrove , Union , Ky . FARRIER : Mr . Charles ( Bud )
Taylor , Chillicothe , Ohio . ANNOUNCER : Mr . James M .
MacLaury , Englewood , Ohio . CO-ORDINATOR : Mr . C . F .
Lutz , Dayton , Ohio . PHOTOGRAPHER : Mr . Eugene
Belt , Dayton , Ohio . PUBLICITY : Mrs . James H .
MacLaury .
Results of this show are reported in the HORSE SHOW RESULTS column found elsewhere in this issue .