1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 September Voice | Page 27
Texas was well represented by this handsome sextet from the Lone
Star state. Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Houston from Marlin, Texas, Mr.
and Mrs. M G. Masters of Austin, Texas and the Foster I.
Pressleys from Lubbock,, Texas. All were very enthusiastic about
a particular “top horse” from their part of the country, and
proudly stated that “we’ll get’em next year”.
of the
Saturday afternoon found a bevy of hopefuls sitting in the shade
of the Circle T Stables front porch. Our roving camera caught
the mood but none of the converations invloving the prospects of
their favorite for the “big stake” yet to come Saturday evening.
The gentleman on the right became somewhat of a celebrity in
his own right during the Celebration, He is Mr. L. T. Bowles,
who raised the Midnight Sun colt that sold on the block at
Harlingsdale for $6,000 ... a record for a yearling Walking
Horse colt. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles are from Murfreesboro, Tcn-
nesses. Pictured with them are Miss Elmour Merriweather and
Mrs. Louise Arnett, also of Murfreesboro.
Horses . . . horses everywhere! This scene is typical of the
activity to be found ever day ... all day at the Celebration. Proud
new owners trying out a new mount . . . hopeful buyers and
sellers practicing the age-old art of “horse trading” . . . and the
ever present by-standers just watching for kicks. It’s all part of
the fabulous Celebration and 1963 was no exception.