1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 28
“It helps us breed champions”
Milk-Bank boost of Pace Booster Pellets,
made with milk by-products
Lone Star Stables Raises
Prize-Winning Tennessee
Walking Horses on Pace
Feed Booster Pellets for
Bloom, Vigor, Stamina
If there are two men who know
how to breed champions and how
to feed them, those men are Joe
Wright and Bill Moore. Mr. Wright
is the owner, and Mr. Moore,
the trainer of Lone Star Stables,
Nacogdoches, Texas, breeders
of fine, prize-winning Tennessee
Walking Horses.
Mr. Wright’s daughter Jan, on
Dark Shadow, won the 1962
Tennessee Walking Horse Celebra
tion world’s championship juvenile
riding title.
Mr. Wright knows feeding, too,
as one of the owners of Texas Farm
Products Company, one of the
Southwest’s largest independent
feed manufacturers.
Lone Star Stables horses, ribbon
winners in shows throughout the
country, are all raised on a ration
that includes Pace Pellets, the
Milk-Bank Feed Booster.
As Mr. Moore says, “Our Lone
Star Feed, with its Pace Pellets,
gives our horses extra stamina,
vigor, and staying power. And
when we want an especially fine
finish—say, before a show—we’ll
put an extra cup of Pace into each
bucket of feed.”
Pace gives the Lone Star Stables
purebreds milk by-product nutri
ents that aren’t in ordinary feeds.
These nutrients balance out the
Sun Celebration, Mr. Joe Wright up.
ration, and help horses assimilate
more of the other elements in their
feed. As a result, horses on Pace
have more vigor, better gloss, and
stay in show condition.
Follow the lead of this feed-wise
Tennessee Walking Horse breeder.
Give your horses the extra stamina
and bloom that Milk-Bank nutri
tion offers. Ask your dealer for
Pace Feed Booster Pellets. KRAFT
SION, 500 Peshtigo Court, Chicago
90, Illinois.
. . . nutrition booster,
profit booster
Pace Feed Booster Pellets are
storehouses, or banks, of the
key nutrients of milk, rounded
out with other important ingre
dients. They contain elements
notfound in ordinary feeds: lac-
talbumin protein, milk sugar,
vitamins, minerals, and other
Important growth factors.
... where better nutrition starts with milk