1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 October Voice | Page 21
(Continued from Page 20)
Juvenile Class, Riders 13 to 18 years
0ld_1, Sundust Queen, Cathie Bailey
up for H. C. Bailey; 2, Go Booger Go,
Debra Brandon up for Frank Mason;
3 Go Shadow Boy, Robert Pierce up
for Circle T Ranch; 4, Sue City Sue,
Susan Sheely up for Hank Sheely, Dal
las; 5, Dream Again, Earlyne Karr, up
for Ben S. Garrett, Dallas; 6, Glory’s
Gallant Son, owner-rider, Betty Shiver,
Stallion - Gelding Stake — 1, Triple
Threat, Harold Kennedy up for Circle
T. Ranch; 2, Son’s Go Boy Again, Wal
lace B randon up for Frank Mason; 3,
Shadow’s Playboy, Jim Babb up for H.
C. Bailey; 4, Sunset, Buddy Black up
for E. A. Sisco, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.;
5, The Replica, Ralph Livingston up
for John Diehl; 6, Ray of Sun, Bill
Moore up for Lone Star Stables.
Walking Seat Championship — 1,
Cathie Bailey, Jackson, Miss.; 2, Gene
Hayle, Dallas; 3, Grace Steere, Dallas;
4, Becca Brasher, Shreveport, La.; 5,
George S. Bayoud, Jr., Garland, Tex.;
6, Julie Buford, Garland, Tex.; 7,
Candy Yager, Georgetown, Tex.
Junior Mare Class—1, Sundust Xmas
Bell, Buddy Black up for Mr. & Mrs.
Penn Mohon, Covington, Tenn.; 2,
Princess Sun Dance, Jim Babb up for
Dr. C. D. Gunter, Siloam Springs,
Ark.; 3, Melody In Black, Wallace
Brandon up for Annis Guess, Durant,
Miss.; 4. Miss Sunday, owner-rider
Vicki Rutherford, Austin, Tex.
Amateur Stake—1, Fair Warning,
Doodles Thompson up for Mrs. Robert
F. Thompson, Dallas; 2, Go Boy’s Meg,
owner-rider Shirley Sharpe, Dallas; 3,
Soc iety Jane, Mi's. R. S. Barnwell, Jr.
up for Barnwell Production Co.,
Shreveport, La.; 4, Lady Pepper, Jim
my Gandy up for Alton Gandy and
H. H. Wilkinson. Meridian, Tex.; 5,
My Sunday Bonnet, owner-rider Vicki
Rutherford, Austin.
Juvenile Stake—1, Dark Shadow,
Jan Wright up for Lone Star Stables;
2, Go Booger Go, Janie Guenther up
for Frank Mason; 3, Go Shadow Boy,
Robert Pierce up for Circle T Ranch;
4, Go Boy’s Cracker Jack, John Turner
up for Circle T Ranch; 5, Magic High
Noon ,owner-rider Diane Corley, Tul
sa, Okla.; 6, Circle T. John Lee,
George S. Bayoud, Jr. up for Dr. &
Mrs. George S. Bayoud.
Weanling Stallion — 1, Shadow’s
Socialite CTR, Circle T Ranch; 2,
Sandman’s Sandstorm, Mrs. Wavalyn
W. Brasher, Bossier City, La.; 3, Mid-
nite Merry Apache, Gamette Kelsoe
III, Garland, Tex.; 4, White Melody
Man, Floyd’s Walking Horse Farm,
Denison, Tex.
Weanling Filly—1, Triple Threat,
John Sharp, Garland, Tex.; 2, Shad
ow's Radiant Lady, Circle T Ranch;
3, Tcxoma Dancer, Floyd’s Walking
Horse Farm, Denison, Tex.
Ladies’ Stake—1, Shadow’s Blaze,
owner-rider Shirley Sharpe, Dallas; 2,
Sun’s Lightning Ann, Mrs. R. S. Barn
well up for Barnwell Production Co.;
3, Dream Again, Earlyne Karr up for
Ben S. Garrett; 4, Sue City Sue, Susan
Sheely up for Hank Sheely; 5, Ace’s
Top Man, owner-rider Miss Wayne
Davis, Dallas; 6, Hall of Midnight,
owner-rider Miss Jennifer Ray, Dallas.
Haller, Walking Stallions—1, Walk
ing for Fun, John Sharp, Garland,
Tex.; 2, Talk of the Town Again,
Mason & Brandon, Grapevine, Tex.; 3,
Eldorado Sunset, Mason & Brandon;
4, Master Sensation CTR. Circle T
Ranch; 5, Replica’s Starfire, Irene G.
Smith, Garland, Tex.
Halter, Walking Mares—1, Red Ace
Again, Circle T Ranch. 2, Mack’s Per
fection. A. C. McKinney, Meridian,
Tex.; 3, Merry Gale, Harry M. Ed
wards, Shreveport, La.
Mare and Foal—1, Go Boy’s Socialite
and foal, Circle T Ranch; 2, Go Boy’s
Bay Ann and foal, John Sharp, Gar
land, Tex.
Junior Championship Stake — 1,
Shadow’s Big Time CTR, Harold Ken
nedy up for Circle T Ranch; 2. Go
Boy’s Acc, Buddy Black up for C. E.
Bradshaw, Orlando, Fla.; 3, Princess
Sun Dance, Jim Babb up for Dr. C. D.
Gunter. Siloam Springs, Ark.; 4, Melo
dy In Black, Wallace Brandon up for
Annis Guess, Durant, Miss.; 5, Go
Boy’s Conqueror, Dub Evans up for
Gene Hayle, Dallas; 6, Allen’s Head
man, Pat Boyd up for A. A. Allen,
Two-Year-Old Stake— 1, Handshak
er Nitecap, Wallace Brandon up for
Frank Mason; 2, Midnight Alamo,
Buddy Black up for Billy Hale, Galla
tin: 3, Replica’s Pride CTR, Buddy
Kennedy up for Circle T Ranch, 4,
Merry Secret, Dub Evins up for Jimmy
Smith, Gober. Tex.; 5, Son’s Walk
away, Eddie Milligan up for W. W.
Savage, Wichita Falls, Tex.
Amateur Slake, Riders 35 Yeats and
Over—1, Shadow’s Red Ace, J. Glenn
Turner up for Circle T. Ranch; 2,
Sun’s Go Boy Again, owner-rider Frank
Mason; 3, Sue City Sue, owner-rider
Hank Sheely, Dallas; 4, Suns Ins,
owner-rider John Diehl, Jonesboro,
Championship Stake — 1, Triple
Threat, Harold Kcnndy up for Circle
T Ranch; 2, Sun’s Lightning Ann, Wal
lace Brandon up for Barnwell Produc
tion Co.; 3, Mighty Sunbeam, Jim
Babb up for H. C. Bailey; 4, Sun’s
Celebration, Bill Moore up for Lone
Star Stables; 5, Sunset, Buddy Black up
for E. A. Sisco, Mt. Pleasant, Tenn.;
6, The Replica, Ralph Livingston up
for John Diehl.
Here For
Please Pay
Happy Days K by Pride of Panola. One
of the greatest Walking Horses living today.
Standing at Florence, Alabama, Tom Wat
kins Farm. Fee $50.00.
ble Maker (by Midnight Sunset) out of
Cheyenne Maiden (by Admiral Gleaves). Fee
$100. Standing at Leonard Dunn's Walking
Horse Stable, 726 DelPaso Road, North Sac
ramento, Calif. Phone WA 5-9386. Owners,
Ted and Virginia Lamb, 2901 37th Ave. Sacra
age 4 years. Sire, Dare Devil, dam. Miss Allen
Flash. Allan F-l, Hunter's Allen F-10, Roan
Allen F-38 background. Kctinit Reagan,
owner, 1015 13th St., Bakersfield, Calif.
Phone 325-8464.
Midnight Sun and out of a Merry Boy mare.
Breeder’s Futurity Champion of 1950 and
1951 Celebration rc-discovered. Standing at
Kozana Farms, Bradenton, Fla. Fee: Regis
tered $100, grade $35. Owners: Dr and Mrs.
Marvin Silver, Box 475, Rt. 1. Bradenton, Fla.
Telephones 746-4661, 747-2780, 742-1131.
add pleasure classes
SUN’S DIABLO by Setting Sun. 1st dam
by Little Merry Boy. This black stallion has
the most beautiful head of any walking
horse alive. $100.00 at time of service, write
or phone WH 4-5900. L. K. Hamm Stables,
New Albany, Ind.
Midnight Pleasure R. G.; dam, Merry Maid
en. BAR-B-DON Stables, Phone HO 53311.
D. L. Cassidy D. V. M„ Monticello, Iowa.