Sacramento Makes T . W . H . History
BY VIRGINIA LAMB 2907 37th Avenue Sacramento , Calif .
August 17 , 1963 , will surely be regarded as a historic date in Northern California Tennessee Walking Horse history — with Sacramento the place . Here was held the first Walking Horse Show sponsored by the Northern California Tennessee Walking Horse Association , and it was possibly the largest show for Walkers ever held in Northern California .
There were 17 classes , 16 for Walkers and one for all-breeds — Western attire . Out of the 17 classes , there was a grand total of 105 entries , 98 being Walking Horses . The judge was Clayton Robinson of Monrovia , Calif .
Starting of a Success
In the week prior to the show — on August 11 — the Sacramento Bee printed a full-page story on the Tennessee Walking Horse and its growth in Northern California , along with pictures and a notation of the coming show held on the 17th . This story stimulated a great deal of interest in the show and in the Walking Horse itself . Phones were kept busy at this household and several others — with calls from interested people wishing to find out more about the show , sales , riding lessons and horses in general .
Some of the towns represented were Sacramento , Biggs , Orangevalc , Roseville , Fair Oaks , Beale AFB , Saratoga , Loomis , Stockton , Carmichael , Auburn , Citrus Heights , Folsom , Shingle Springs and Orland .
The greater part of the enthusiasm stemmed from the Junior Set — which , all in all , had the most entries . In the Pleasure Class , 14 years and under , there were 10 entries ; in Junior Pleasure , 15 to 18 , there were eight . In most of the other events there were several Junior riders — which means that approximately 40 among all the entrants were under 18 years of age . These Junior riders arc the backbone of tomorrow , and I hope to see more of them in the very near future .
A farewell to the show season has been planned for November 30 , to be sponsored and promoted by Mr . Richard Lcamon , formerly of New Mexico and now of Sacramento , California . This event will be held at the barn and arena of the Leonard Dunn Walking
Horae Stables , 726 Del Paso Road , Sacramento .
The show , the last of the season , will be a trophy show , and , if the weather holds , it promises to be a fine one . Classes will be completely formulated and the entry blanks ready to go by October 15 .
There will be as many good show classes as time will allow including : Two-year old , Junior ( three and under ) , amateur , and stake . These classes will be divided into age and / or sex groups and possibly into ladies and gentlemen to ride . Winners will compete for the stake title .
Under the pleasure classes will be : Two year old , English . English pleasure , any age horse : Western pleasure ; Junior riders , 15 to 18 ; juvenile riders 14 and under , English . These classes may also be divided into groups similar to the show classes .
They will also be judged according to the rules set forth by the TWH B & E A of America with the exception of the Western pleasure class . These Walking Horses will be judged on their three gaits : the flat foot walk , the running walk and the canter , but the horse must be used on a neck rein at all times and must be shod as for pleasure . A Western or Walking Horse bit is permissable . Halter breeding and brood mares classes are also on schedule .
Entry blanks may be obtained by writing to Mrs . Virginia Lamb , 2901 37th Ave ., Sacramento , California , or by calling GArden 1-1740 .
N . Calif Assn . Sets Dues
The Northern California Tennessee Walking Horse Association in session September 6 set annual dues at $ 9.90 , payable semi-annually or annually , for family ( this membership will carry two adult votes ). Single memberships are $ 7.50 per year , and are available to persons above sixteen years of age .
It is not necessary to attend every meeting to belong to the association . Voting on all major issues may be done by absentee ballot regardless of where the member lives . Dues must be paid , however , to be eligible to vote .
There has been some confusion as to the status of the association in Sacramento . This confusion has been caused by members referring to the association as a club . This absolutely is not a club and was not started as such and should not be referred to as such . This note is mainly for the benefit of all of the outof-towners who have stated they would not belong to a club but would belong to an association to benefit and promote the Walking Horse .
Everyone is urged to join now and have a voice in things to be done to improve the Walker in California , If you have a group of Walker lovers who would like to know more , write us ; we will be happy to send a representative , if at all possible , to listen to you , and
to hold a thorough discussion . What would you like to see more of in the coming horse shows ? How do you think a Walking Horse trail class should be judged , or perhaps a parade class for Walkers ? These are some of the things under discussion , so —“ What do you think ?”
Western Gear Permissible
It may interest many readers to know that some of the exhibitors in the NCTWHA show on August 17 used Western gear in classes other than the Western Pleasure Class for Walkers . In classes in which either English or Western gear was permissible , riders with only Western gear available were able to enter their Walking Horses .
Western-trained Walkers are judged in the same three gaits — the flat foot walk , the running walk and the canter — which have made the Walking Horse famous throughout the world ; however , Western-trained Walkers must be shod for pleasure riding and must be ridden in Western gear ( except for the bit . as either a Western or a conventional Walking Horse bit is permissible ). There is one big difference : the horse must neck-rein and cannot be shown direct-reined .
David Turner , 15 years old of 5822 Trailridge Drive , Austin , Tex . is really interested in Tennessee Walking Horse . The family has four Walkers — including 13-year-old “ Go Along Boy ” listed in our Stud Registry by Slates . He and his mother , Greylene Manley , were both sired by old Merry Boy . They also have a granddaughter of Midnight Sun , a Palomino Walker , Wilson ’ s Allen ' s Dictator and another mare named “ Dictator ’ s Queen sired by Hill ’ s Wilson Allen . David would appreciate any information anyone can send him about this stallion .
W . J . Bolwell , 6903 Mansfield Rd ., Falls Church , Va ., says he has an exshow horse who has become a fine pleasure horse , proved on a 15-mile nail ride . The horse is known as I hompson ' s Vicki Lynn , apparently named lor the daughter of Mr . and Mrs . Vic Thompson of Shelbyville , who twice won the pony championship of the world at the Celebration on Go Boy ’ s Wonder .