1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 November Voice | Page 31



WOODLAND RFD # 1 — Box 230 , Charlottesville , Ya . PLEASURE WALKING / HORSES At Stud BUDDY HANCOCK # 630876 Owner Dr . James C . Andrews
FOR SALE — Two black Pleasure Geldings ; top brood mare ; some in foal to Midnight Sun . Holly Tree Farm , Shelbyville , Tenn . Fred Phillips , res . phone 684-5485 , Farm 684-4827 . Registered Tennesse Walking Horses .
FOR SALE — One 3-year-old Black Pleasure Gelding . Will suit anyone . Contact Fred Phillips , Shelbyville , Tenn . Res ., phone 684-5485 , Farm 684-482 7 . Brood Mares , Colts Pleasure 8 . Amateur Horses . Sun ' s Glo Boy at stud . Registered Tennessee Walking Horses .
WANTED — Experienced TWH trainer & barn man . New No . Ind . private stable ; inside arena . Living qfrs . Write Box 3054 , c / o Voice Publishing Co ., Chattanooga , Tennessee 37404 , giving all qualifications , age , physical condition , experience , former employers & wages desired .
WANTED — Aged stallion for breeding and safe riding . Good blood lines , conformation , and gaits . Frank Guess , Courthouse , Decatur , Ga .
FOR SALE — Registered mare daughter Midnight Sun 12 years 17 hands — perfectly trained — gentle $ 500.00 . Box 1428 , 4000 Mass . Ave . N . W ., Washington , D . C .
REAL TOP STAKE Registered Walking colt , 3 yrs . old , never shown . Nice Mid-nite Sun Go Boy colts , registered . This type never advertised — can show winning records of this breed . S . L . Bauman , 3387 Poplar , Room 322 , Memphis , Tenn .
( Continued from Page 4 ) judge , who had judged many national and international shows , had made his last ride . As he sat on a tack box for a moment , the applause of the crowd still ringing in his ears , his kind , happy heart , after forty-nine years of joyous living . . . rested . Heart failure was blamed .
( Pacific Exp . — Coni .)
THE FLYING DOLLAR , owned by Dr . Howard G . Roberts of Walla Walla , Washington , and shown superbly by Charles Court of The Dalles , Oregon , took the championship . GO BOY ’ S CAPTAIN , owned and ridden by Julia Stapp , Kirkland , Washington , took reserve . ALLEN GO BOY , owned and ridden by Cheryl Hart , Seaside , Oregon , placed third .
Please send us both your old address and your new . Allow 30 days for change .
VOICE PUBLISHING COMPANY P . O . Box 3054 Chattanooga , Tennessee 37404


fn | T You want a beautiful animal IV / MI with a gleaming satin bloom .
Horsemen say this : “ coat gleams ’’ . . . “ horses curry easier ”, “ shed winter coats faster ” ...” wonderful bloom ” ... “ a must for show circuit ” ... “ from dry skin loaded with scale to the best coat I ever saw " . . . “ saves time on daily rubdowns ”.
You want an animal with high spirit , vigor , and endurance .
Horsemen say this : ‘“ more animation ” . . . “ more active performance ” . . . “ more alert ” . . . “ helps horse ‘ give his best ’ ”... “ makes him eager to ‘ go on ’ ” . . .'“ gives horse vitality , endurance ” . . . “ brings out his best ” . . . “ gives horse radiance and spirit you can ’ t describe .”
For Breeding : Rex Oil helps settle Mares ; activates Stallions .
Prices : Pint $ 3.50 ; Quart $ 6.00 ; Gallon $ 19.00
Send for FREE Book # 4 ( Horses )
SUN ’ S CHOICE BEAUTY , m , by Shadow ’ s Rock ’ N Roll out of Sun ’ s Kandy Karol , foaled Mar . 11 , 1961 . Owner , Cecil O . Hart , Malta Bend , Mo .
MR . SNOWMAN , s , by Merrysun ’ s Chief out of Waridge Merry Beauty , foaled Apr . 24 , 1962 . Owner , J . Marlin Burkholder , Greencastle , Pa .
MISS MERRY MIDNIGPIT , m , by Merry Midnight Aire out of Midnite Vannessa , foaled May 9 , 1963 . Owner , J . C . Peterie , Stockton , Mo .
GARBO ’ S GO BOY , s , by Go Boy ’ s Garbo out of Bud ’ s Merry Belle , foaled Apr . 28 , 1963 . Owner , Gene Cook , London , Ky .
GO BOY ’ S KNIGHT C . P ., s , by Go Bov ’ s Star Boy out of A Lady First , foaled Mar . 17 , 1963 . Owner , Click and Pate , Covington , Tenn .
GO BOYS MIDNIGHT STAR , m , by Rodgers Merry Go Boy out of Suns North Star , foaled Mar . 23 , 1963 . Owner , Neil G . Amos , Jefferson City , Mo .
PLEASURES SHADY LAOY , m , by Midnite Pleasure R . G . out of Old Glorys Star , foaled April 4 , 1963 . Owner , Mrs . R . E . Bentz , Monroe , La .
WHITE WALKER , m , by Farmer ’ s Pride out of Sweet Lizzie , foaled March 16 , 1963 . Owner , Chester Farmer , Laurel , Miss .
GO BOY ’ S BLACK MAGIC , s , by Shelia ’ s Go Boy out of Gloria Ann , foaled May 7 , 1962 . Owner , L . G . Franklin , Jr ., East View , Ky .
SATAN ’ S MENTOR , s , by Golden Perfection out of Camp Hill Rose , foaled July 10 , 1962 . Owner , Carl E . Brant out of Greensburg , Pa .
CADILLAC ’ S FIRST LADY , m , by Merry Boy ’ s Cadillac out of Little Dinah , foaled Mar . 13 , 1963 . Owner , R . C . Boyce , Unionville , Tenn .
dow ’ s Merry Boy out of Billy ’ s Little Girl , foaled April 17 , 1963 . Owner , R . C . Boyce , Unionville , Tenn .
SIR INDGO , s , by Man o .' Old Hickory out of Go Boys Mary , foaled Aug . 7 , 1962 . Owner , Wallace Scott , Bowling Green , Ky .
CAROLYN ’ S PRINCE , s , by Go Boy ’ s Main Event out of Woody ’ s Princess R ., foaled May 8 , 1963 . Owner , Damon E . Pontious , Laurelville , Ohio .
PAM ’ S FLICKA , m , by Glory-O-Boy out of Allens Angel , foaled May 16 , 1963 . Owner , Gilbert Forsgren , Ft . Smith , Ark .
PIDDLEYS GOLD , m , by Piddley out of Molly Gold , foaled June 2 , 1963 . Owner , John Amos Baugh , Franklin , Tenn .
SECRET ' S MAIDEN MISS , m , by Midnight Playboy K out of Sunset Star Angel , foaled March 25 , 1963 . Owner , Marguerite Rohrbach , Boulder , Colo .
GARRISON LITTLE LADY , m , by Midnight Mack K out of Miss Barbara Wilson , foaled May 27 , 1961 . Owner , Rolf D . Garrison , Piedmont , S . C .