1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 November Voice | Page 19

( Continued from Page 4 ) all-time , probably for ever , Walnut King of Bedford County .
He has a hulling machine at his place , and for weeks farm folks lined up with trucks and autos hauling walnuts . He paid cash to many hundreds of people , and sent off some 500,000 pounds of hulled nuts to market .
Nut-hulling over , he organized an expedition to promote the Tennessee Walking Horse at a convention of the Southern Seedmen ’ s Assn , in Dallas , Tex . with hundreds of other dealers in “ food for farmers ,” including fertilizers , feeds , seeds , etc . This ever-thoughtful many-sided man had an idea . He knew “ Sheriff ” Matt Dillion , James Arness , and his foursome of TV fame would be there . So in his baggage Fritzsche will have copies of the “ Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse ” and the autographed Biography of the Tennessee Walking Horse all ready to present in ceremonious fashion to the following :
Sheriff Mat Dillion — A Genuine Hero of the Nation — alias James Arness ; Miss Kitty — A Western Heroine of the U . S . A . — otherwise known as Amanda Blake ; Chester Good — The All-America n Sheriff ’ s Deputy — christened Den- Weaver ; and Doc . Adams — The Good Doctor of Western U . S . — also known as Melbourne Stone .
By Leland ’ s side , all the time , will be his wife , “ Miss Nora ” to all the farm people of Bedford County , who understands her husband and is his indispensable helper .
Along with being president of
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TOM BOHL , Mgr ., Farm Operations the Shelbyville Civitan Club , and past-president of the Tennessee Seedmen ’ s Assn ., he is a very active deacon of the First Presbyterian Church , long a Bedford County director at the Tennessee Walking Horse Breeders ’ Assn ., with headquarters in Lewisburg , and a delegate to the 1956 GOP convention at the San Francisco Cow Palace who hopes to return in 1964 . So the Voice Editor — known in Alabama as a Yellow Dog Democrat —• pays this humble tribute to his good Republican friend , Purina Dealer L . C . Frizsche — the likes of whom come seldom in this good world of good people . Because he ’ s good to everybody .
Celebration friends and other Tennessee Walking Horse lovers will be delighted to learn of the latest triumph of Jimmy Ellis , Orrville , Alabama . Jimmy has three times won the Reserves World ’ s Championship pony honors at the Celebration . Now this versatile young man has been named first place winner in a TV Talent Search Contest at Montgomrey , Alabama — receiving a $ 1,000 United States Savings Bond and a try-out next summer for the nationwide Ted Mack Show .
The eighteen-year-old Orrville High School star athlete and honor graduate sang three numbers — “ Hopeless ,” “ Unchained Melody ” and “ Singing the Blues .” Awards were made on the basis of applause meter records . Jimmy ’ s piano accompaniment was played by Miss Mary Alive Dale . Jimmy told the audience Miss Dale is the major reason for his success as a vocalist .


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Jimmy Ellis has ridden in twelve Celebration pony classes , starting at age five and competing this year at age eighteen to win reserve honors with his brilliant SUN ’ S GLORY BOY . He is the son of Mr . and Mrs . Fumiss Ellis of Orrville , who owned BLACK ANGEL when she won the 1943 World ’ s Grand Championship .
Now Jimmy is attending Middle Georgia Junior College on a basketball scholarship . He plans to study agriculture . On the big Ellis farm he has been in charge of maintaining farm machinery and training Walking Horses .
Dr . Ensminger to Meet
With Agricultural Consultants
A nationwide meeting of the Agricultural Consultant of America will take place in Fresno , Calif ., on Dec . 9 at The Hacienda Hotel — and the session will last two days , starting in the morning of the first day . Any agricultural consultants spending one-half or more of his time in consultant work , regardless of the kind , is invited , according to Dr . M . E . Ensminger , a contributing editor of the VOICE and an eminent consultant who lives at 3699 East Sierra Avenue , Clovis , Calif .
Three distinguished speakers from outside the consultant field will be Charles E . Bell , Jr ., U . S . Dept , of Agriculture , Washington , D . C .; Dean Lloyd C . Dowley , Fresno State College , Calif .; and Jack T . Pickett , Editor , California Farmer , San Francisco , Calif . For information or reservations write to Dr . Ensminger .
444-3605 MT . ORAB , OHIO
" WHITEY " WHITEHEAD Walking Horse Division
Home of Black Rhythm