Show Ring Champions Sale
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse 21
Your Roving Reporter and elsewhere . This means more interest will be generated .
Several members attended the Murray Farm Sale at Lewisburg , Tenn . and purchased horses .
Grateful For ‘ Loot ’
We are grateful for the “ loot ” we are carrying back to Ohio . It consists of two trophies , 2 blues , 1 red , 1 yellow and 2 whites ; plus pleasant memories of meeting and visiting with fine horse-folks .
Hope I answered all of your inquiries regarding Walking Horses and horse shows in Florida ; and hope that those of you who came down at my suggestion are as happy as I am .
If I may serve you further , contact me at Route One , Clayton , Ohio , where I will be after May 10th .
Hope and know I will find Walking Horse news as I travel the circuits in Ohio , Kentucky , W . Virginia and ( iContinued on page 22 )
Announcing ...
Show Ring Champions Sale
By CHARLES R . GOLDSWIG Route 1 , Clayton , Ohio ( summer address )
Walking Horse Gains In Florida
Our Florida vacation comes to an end . Thanks to my boss , Ben Green , better known as Mr . Tennessee Walking Horse , I have enjoyed travelling the State of Florida , helping to promote and develop additional interest in the Tennessee Walking Horse .
From personal contact with owners and breeders attending , covering and exhibiting in horse shows , I can give a first-hand report that Walking Horses are becoming more popular and Florida will soon surpass California in interest for this breed .
In ackltiion to the eight horse shows usually held under the auspices of the Sunshine Circuit and the Orange State Circuit , there were two new shows . One was in Pensacola and the other an all-amateur show in St . Petersburg . The latter promises to be an annual event from here on . The results of the Walking Horse classes were reported in previous issues .
Just learned a movement is on foot to have one circuit , as heretofore , and to include four more cities — which would mean the 1964 season might have 12 Circuit shows . You had better plan on coming down next winter .
The Florida Walking Horse Assn , membership is on the increase with active directors living in Jacksonville , Winter Garden , Miami and Sarasota , in addition to officials in St . Petersburg
The opening of the sale of " SHOW RING CHAMPIONS " owned by Mr . S . W . Beech , Jr . and Mr . Pete Yokley .
Sale will be held during the week of the National Walking Celebration in Shelbyville , Tenn . It will be held on a lot adjoining the celebration grounds and will begin at 9:30 A . M . on ,
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
3rd . |
4th . |
5th . |
On Tuesday and Wednesday , the third and fourth , we will sell nothing but Finished horses and brood mares and on Thursday , the fifth , we will see nothing but colts from some of the leading walking horse sires in the nation , we have already some thirty head by Merry Go Boy and Go Boys Shadow .
Entries will be taken on a first come first serve basis . Anyone desiring to enter a horse in this sale is urged to contact Mr . Beech or Mr . Yokley as soon as possible to obtain entry blanks .
Get your entries in early and be assured of a top spot in this sale .
Everyone in America interested in walking horses will be in Shelbyville for the celebration from coast to coast and we feel that this is the ideal time to have a sale for the convenience of both seller and buyer .
Col . Eddie Bryant Col . Herbert McLain Col . Tom Yokley
Col . Mayfield Ledbetter Col . D . M . Brown
Official Veterinarian : Dr . DeWitt Owen , Jr ., Franklin , Tenn .
For Further Information Contact
Mr . S . W . Beech , Jr . |
Mr . Pete Yokley |
Belfast , Tennessee |
Pulaski , Tennessee |
Phone 276-2475 |
Phone : 363-5675 |
363-5140 |