1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 March Voice | Page 8

6 March, 1963 Oklahoma Gypsy With Owner H. L. Worrell Up—This Team Made A Record In 1954 That Probably Will Never Be Equalled In All Time To Come On this gelding—who once sold for $100—H. L. Worrell swept the World's Amateur Championship at the Shelby- ville National Celebration, and did the same thing at practically every other horse show in America where Tennes­ see Walking Horse Competition was Prominent. A telegram to him from Alec Harlin of Franklin, Tenn. said: "Congratulations! to you. You are the only man I have known who has gone straight down the line and made all the big shows and taken the Blue Ribbon at eveiy place. ALEC HARLIN 0 / Harlindale Farm, Franklin, Tenn." Oklahoma Gypsy is dead but Solitude Stock Farm will always claim dear his record as the greatest of his kind in the history of the breed. SOLITUDE STOCK FARM