Walker Backer In Seattle Says Popularity Up
Mother Develops Horse Interest With Daughter
Dates , Places Announced For Three Area Horse Science Schools Set Next Summer
Clovis , California , Dr . M . E . Ensminger of P . O . Box 373 , Clovis , Calif ., lias recently completed a siting across the country for the purpose of finalizing arrangements for the new Horse Science School and Short Course . Also , at a luncheon in Chicago ’ s Hotel Sherman he briefed a group of 30 representatives from the nation ’ s colleges , breed registry associations , and horse magazines .
At the Chicago luncheon . Dr . E . reported that :
• The inquiries about the school from coast to coast prove that interest in horses was never greater ; they are contributing to the fields of recreation and sport as never before .
• He and Mrs . Ensminger are doing this as a dedicated service ; in recognition of ( 1 ) the glowing importance of the nation ’ s light horse industry ; ( 2 ) the crying , but unfilled , need for complete , concentrated , scientific horse instruction : ( 3 ) the fact that colleges and universities have neither the personnel nor the flexibility to undertake such a program — moreover , this school lends itself to an area basis with each location serving several states ; and ( 4 ) the known fact that if you give a boy or girl a horse , and train him or her to take care of it , the youngster won ’ t get into trouble .
In the West at Fresno State College ,
Walker Backer In Seattle Says Popularity Up
A confirmed Tennessee Walking Horse advocate in the Northwest is Charles A . Fox , 15455 53rd Avenue , South , Seattle , 8S , Wash . He says interest in the breed is growing rapidly in that area .
Charles says about two years ago he found a 13-year-old mare of the Hunter ’ s Allen breeding on the top line and Roan Allen breeding on the bottom line .
" She has been a much better horse than I ever dreamed of , especially for rough mountain trails ," he writes .
" I have three mares now and plan to raise some colts as soon as the right stallion comes along I ’ m pretty
Fresno , Calif , 12-day Horse Science School June 17-2S ; 4-clay Horse Science Short Course , June 24-27 ; college credit 2 hours for school , 1 hour for short course ; assistant director , Prof . Wm . Verdugo , Dept , of Animal Husbandry , Fresno State College ;
In the Midwest at the University of Missouri , Columbia , Mo ., Horse Science School July 1-12 ; 4-Day Horse Science Short Course , July 8-11 ; college credit 3 hours for school at U . of Missouri : assistant director , Dr . A . J . Dyer , Dept , of Animal Husbandry , University of Missouri ;
In the East at Willow Brook Farm , Catasauqua , Pa ., Horse Science School July 15-26 ; 4-Day Horse Science Short Course , July 22-25 ; college credit 3 hours at Pennsylvania State University ; assistant director , Dr . T . L . Merritt , Dept , of Animal Husbandry , Pennsylvania State University , University Park , Pennsylvania .
• Anyone wanting to learn more about horses may enroll ; that taking the course for college credit is available for those eligible and interested , but this is not a requisite . It is intended , however , to lift the instruction out of the category of fads , foibles , and trade secrets .
• The Horse Science School will include 12 days of instruction in equitation ; farrier science ; horse health , disease prevention and parasite control ; selecting and judging ; and breeding , feeding , care and management . 72 lectures — 24 labs — 12 elective labs .
• The Horse Science Short Course of 4 days duration is a complete , concentrated short course for breeders , horse farm supervisors and foremen , stud managers , and those engaged in related horse services and industries ; 29 lectures — 7 laboratories — 15 instructors in each location .
green at getting the best out of mv Walkers , but am studying some each day and improving fast .
" My Quarter Horses have all left the farm now . The difference between the two breeds for pleasure riding , hunting and fishing were just too great . 1 know my family and f will enjoy raising some good colts , too .
“ The Walkers are gaining in popularity , both for show and pleasure , by leaps and bounds here in the Northwest .
Mother Develops Horse Interest With Daughter
“ We started hunting a horse suitable for my 11-year-old daughter and since April have owned seven horses , but are now down to three ,” writes Mrs . Jean Stambaugh , Rural Route 2 , Box 20 , Sinking Spring , Pa .
“ Seems now I am more interested in horses than my daughter is ," she confesses .
“ Why this is , I do not know because six months ago I was terrified of them and every little move they made jarred me .
" Anyway , to make a long story short I heard about a Tennessee Walking mare to be sold . I went to see her just for a look , fell in love with her and finally bought her .
“ I still have my problems . She was trained for show and I want her to be a pleasure horse . I have a friend who is riding her for me and the horse is gradually coming around .
“ So I am riding my friend ’ s horse and she rides mine . 1 am awaiting the day when I either become a good enough rider or the Princess calms enough for me to title her . Meanwhile , I enjoy the pleasure of being with her on trails ,” says Mrs . Stain baugh .
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