1963-Voice Of The Tennessee Walking Horse 1963 January Voice | Page 25
Voice of the Tennessee Walking Horse
were recently in Northern California
looking for brood mares. They visited
with Mr. Adrian Light in Stockton,
and Leonard Dunn here in Sacra
mento, as well as various other train
ers and barns. The feeling for good
Voice Pacific Coast Representative
brood mares is now running high in
all of California and is expected to
2901 37th Avenue, Sacramento, Calif.
get even greater. Mrs. Unger pur
(1) A trail ride was held on Sun Leonard Dunn from his barn in Sacra chased a black, retired show mare
day, November 25th with the starting mento, slated that this reading from me in 1961, Judy Gleaves.
While here, Mrs. Unger rode my
point being from the El Dorado Motel prompted his meeting in Chico. There
on the outskirts of Sacramento to the will be another meeting held in Jan horse Cheyenne Thunder and made
end of Watt Avenue. The ride was uary, but the date has not been set as this statement to Mr. Dunn, "He is
approximately sixteen miles, round he is awaiting a confirmation from one of the best two-year-olds that I
trip. Cecil Quick officiated as trail Mr. Tom Fulton, the Breeder’s Assn, have seen in California.” Mr. Smith
executive secretary, who at this time also rode Cheyenne. His statement
Others on the ride were: Mr. J. D. is planning on attending the next was that this horse has one of the
Landers and son, Jim; Mrs. Doris meeting and being a guest speaker. finest mouths and gaits that are “out
McClelland, Cecil Quick, Cynthia Mr. Fulton spoke with Mr. Dunn by of this world." The question Mr.
Morris, Thelma Cromwell, Alta Jones, phone and told him of his plans to be Dunn asked Mrs. Unger and Mr.
Charles and Margaret King, Lester in California around that time, com Smith was if they felt Cheyenne was
material. Mr. Unger said:
and Helen Porter, Mr. 11. G. Simms, ing from Lewisburg, Tenn. Plans are Celebration
also being made to obtain the film, “If I had this horse in my barn, I
and Miss B. E. Capers.
would be thinking of putting him in
Four stops were made to give the Free and Easy, for viewing at the next the Celebration.” Mr. Smith said the
horses a breather. Since this was a meeting.
(3) Gallant Bess, ex-movie marc same thing.
non-competitive ride, everyone was
Johnny Gunn, along with his wife
just plain happy to be able to enjoy owned by Mr. Art Parker of Grass
themselves and go at a leisurely pace. Valley, Calif., has been bred to The and Mr. Smith whom he is training
If any out-of-towners are interested Rebel j and is now settled. S he is for, visited the barn on the evening of
in taking this next trail ride, I would still stabled at the Leonard Dunn December 2nd, after the meeting in
appreciate them sending me their Walking Horse Training Barn in Chico and also rode Cheyenne. The
statement Mr. Gunn made was that he
names and addresses so that I can Sacramento.
(4) June Unger of Santa Ana, was a great horse, also that he was one
send out notices prior to the time of
Calif., and her trainer, Richard Smith,
(Continued on page 24)
the ride.
(2) A meeting was held in Chico,
Calif, on Dec. 2nd at 4:00 P. M. It
was started by Mr. Gene Newman of
Orland, Calif., owner of 10 head of
Walkers, including a stallion by
Merry Doughboy and the balance in
mares and colts. The purpose of this
meeting was to organize a Walking
Horse riding club and to promote
Rl. 2, Box 242, Tucson, Ariz.
shows in that vicinity, breeding and
pleasure classes and the breeding of
show type horses.
There were 25 attending this meet
Finished show and pleasure horses, clots from such world
ing from Gridley, Red Bluff and Or
champion mares as Midnight Mist, Sun's Lilac Time, Dixie
land. Also represented from Ontario,
Calif, were Mr. and Mrs. Johnny
Darling as well as other royally bred matrons—Midnight Sun_
Gunn. Mr. Gunn, a trainer who is
working horses for Mr. Donald V.
Merry Boy bred mares for sale. Many times champion Danny
Smith of Red Bluff was a guest
Boy O at stud. Excellent training and boarding facilities.
speaker and talked of breeding,
shows and pleasure stock. Mr.
Adrian Light, of Stockton, Cali
fornia, the present owner of the
1962 Pacific Coast Champion stallion,
Stately Go Boy, also was a guest speak
MR. and MRS. M. G. OHREL, Owners
Mr. Newman, who read of the
success of the meeting held in Reno,
Nevada, through the Voice, and read
of the films shown there by Mr.
Virginia Lamb's Own Column
Quarter Circle Spear Ranch